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"I saw what happened on TVGM. I think it’s disgusting what they did to you. I was so glad when you smacked him in the balls." Her smile turned sheepish. "I wasn’t sure I’d have the courage to ever do anything like that."

I cracked my knuckles. "It was fun, let me tell you."

Her smile warmed, a strange glint appearing in her eye. "I’ll bet."

"The old bastard deserved worse," Jen inserted as she slipped into the chair opposite me. "If anything, I think you should have done a one-two punch to the gonads." She made a pow-pow sound as she jabbed her fists in front of her.

"He crossed his legs too soon."

Camille and Jen started snickering, but Camille eventually murmured, "Lena will soften up. She just takes time."

"You’re the newest O’Donnelly. She seemed to respond well to you."

"I was involved in an altercation recently. It’s made her be nicer to me."

"Sheesh, really?"

Camille nodded. "Just let her calm down, you know? Aidan’s the eldest but after what he’s been through, she’s very protective of him. They all are."

"I’ll bet."

"Brennan’s taken on a lot of his workload too, so they’re all feeling the pinch of Aidan not being at the top of his game."

"It isn’t like he did it on purpose," Jen pointed out, which made me want to blow her a kiss.

"No, but it was years ago and he’s not..." Camille grimaced. "Look, I’ve not been around here a lot, but you can tell he doesn’t exactly help himself."

I grunted, because I couldn’t deny that. "I’m not sure if Aidan will let me go to my apartment building to grab the gift I overnighted for him. I really need to get that. Maybe I can guilt trip him into using a cane."

"It’s more than that," Aoife stated as she took a seat at the table with us, her hands cupping a mug of what smelled like peppermint tea. "I think he’s scared of doctors or something."

"No way," Jen retorted. "Aidan’s not scared of anything."

"Contain the admiration or I’ll have to sock you in the vagina," I groused, laughing when she pouted. "I’m good at socking."

Aoife snickered, but she shrugged. "I think so. He won’t go in for check ups, and I know Finn has gone so far as to make appointments for him when his knee’s bad."

"It was probably easier to take a pill." I winced. "Sad but true."

"A cane will help," Aoife replied. "If you can get him to use it."

"I’ll work my magic somehow." I didn’t like the idea of him not going to the doctor’s either. Crap, was I supposed to be this involved this fast?

"You already worked magic today so best not to exhaust the daily quota," Jen said wryly as she leaned into the table. "Is Conor really seeing someone?"

I shrugged. "I think so. He said he was."

"Conor doesn’t say anything he doesn’t mean," Aoife pointed out, her tone thoughtful.

"I’m surprised Lena didn’t haul him downstairs and ask him," Camille said.

"Savannah’s good at deflecting," Jen remarked with a laugh. "That whole ‘oh, I must have misunderstood because I hit my head,’ BS worked like a charm."

"Clearly not if you didn’t believe me," I sniped.

"She wanted to believe it," Aoife retorted with a laugh. "They’re all protective of him. I never understood why. It’s as if him being crazy smart makes him dumb or something." Her brow puckered. "Weird."

She wasn’t wrong. A sigh escaped me as I took in the kitchen, its occupants, as I thought about Aidan, and Conor upstairs, then the brothers I’d met the other night. It was like a dream, but a really good one, not the usual shitty ones I was plagued with.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic