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Huffing at the thought, I hobbled into the hall and trudged down toward Conor’s office. When I found it empty, I checked the sofa first before I headed to the room off the kitchen where the other elevator was situated behind a locked door, figuring he was in there like I’d thought earlier.

As I ambled into it, I heard a faint noise coming from the walk-in freezer and, rolling my eyes at the sound, knocked on the door to the elevator, calling out, "It’s me."

A minute later, Conor opened the doors. His hair was all over the place like he’d been tugging on it, and his eyes were red-rimmed from fatigue.

I was used to him looking wired but this was getting beyond a joke. When a guy looked worse than the addict in the family, that was fucked up.

I didn’t say anything though, because he was guarding Savannah while I’d rested, and instead asked, "Who’s in the walk-in?"

He blinked. "The two guys who were waiting for you on the eighteenth floor."

He said that like it was obvious.

"Why did you bring them up here? I told you to have them taken to the Hole."

"I wanted to try something."

"Try what?"

He smirked. "You sure you want to know?"

"Wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t," I grumbled. "Spit it out."

"I‘ve been fucking with a Taser."

"Suping it up?"

"Yep," he replied cheerfully.

"You tested it on them yet?"

"Nah. Wanted to freeze them a bit."

I snorted. "Sick fuck."

He winked. "Takes one to know one. Plus, I don’t know, I thought it would alter the impact on their system."

"Wouldn’t it dampen it?"

"Maybe. It’s a test. I have the freezer up here, so why wouldn’t I try it? Brennan can always experiment on one of the other poor fuckers who end up at the Hole. This is a good opportunity."

Interested, I asked, "Wanna try it now?"

"Shouldn’t you be asleep?"

"Yeah, but I can’t settle."

"Your penguin okay?"

I scowled at him a second, thinking he was joking, then I remembered what he'd called her when he'd first learned her identity, so I heaved a sigh. "No nightmares or anything. She was freaked in the elevator."

"You really do like her, huh?" He eyed me curiously. "Not seen you so protective of someone before. You’re normally a bit of a selfish asshole."

I smirked and threw his own words back at him, "Takes one to know one."

He shrugged. "I make no bones about it. Either way, don’t hide from the question."

"I’m not. You know she means more to me than usual otherwise I wouldn’t give a fuck about her situation and would have dumped her on Brennan or Declan."

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic