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She huffed. "How about you let me have the bottle anyway seeing as you don’t need the cash?"

"Where would the fun be in that? And who the hell would buy an open bottle anyway?"

"Remind me to warn you that I’ll cut your balls off if you hurt Savannah?"

I rolled my eyes. "That’s some segue."

"I’m the Queen of Segues."

"You wouldn’t have to cut them off. I’d do it myself."

She squinted at him. "I believe you and I approve this message." Before I could do more than grin, Jen leaned into me and asked, "Have you seen his collection yet?"


When she saw my blankness, her tone changed. Turned apologetic. Which was when I realized I should have had faith in my friend. She recognized I was stupidly jealous of the fact she knew more about him than I did, private stuff that no amount of Google searches would reveal, and eased it by telling me, "Finn’s always going on about Aidan’s whiskey collection."

I cast him a look. "You’re a fan?"

"Why wouldn’t I be?"

"I don’t know. I thought there was a rivalry between the Irish and the Scottish."

He smirked, then he made my heart flutter by raising my hand to his mouth and pressing a kiss to my knuckles. I had no idea what had happened in that elevator, but that he wasn’t afraid to make PDAs was now a given.

And hot.

So very, very hot.

Then, of course, I realized why, and I couldn’t be pissed.

He thought I was hot, too. He thought I was so fucking banging, he wanted every other cock in the place to know who owned me.

Was there anything better thanmutual, irrationaljealousy?

"Thereisa rivalry, but I'm talking about whiskey with an ‘e.’ I do appreciate a good scotch, like a Bowman, though." He winked. "I only drink it around Da."

I laughed. "Talk about dedication to annoying your parents."

"You’ll meet him soon," he said wryly. "You’ll understand then."

"Not sure that worked as a deterrent," Jen retorted with a grin.

He snorted. "If you could see how starstruck you look right now..."

"She’s weird, isn’t she?" Jen teased. "Who on earth gets a lady boner over the—" Her voice lowered. "—Irish Mob?"

I elbowed her in the side. "Fuck off."

"There’ll be none of that in these heels." She arched her foot beneath the glass table and pouted. "To think, I bought new Louboutins to impress the fucker and he isn’t going to show."

"Aren’t they expensive?" Aidan asked with a frown that had the waitress’s arm jolting and rattling the tray as she served us our drinks.

"They are," she confirmed, after he’d asked the server to bring another glass over to the table.

"So, let me see if I get your logic. You’re about to be fined, what is it? Seventy? Eighty grand? And you go and spend two grand on a pair of shoes."

Jen clucked her tongue. "But the shoes do wonders for my ass, and that might have made him lower the settlement. Hence they’d have been a smart investment."

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic