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She snickered. "I do like dealing with you, Aidan. They palmed me off on that jackass, Brennan, but I can’t get along with him at all."

"He’s definitely not for everyone’s palate."

"Understatement of the year." She harrumphed. "Missed you at the wedding too. Anyone else would think it was rude that you didn’t show up."

"I sent Eoghan in my place. And his wife."

"Very pretty girl, that. I’d complain about the age gap and her looking like she belonged in a school uniform still but who can I judge? I fell for mine when I was her age, and Ama’s no better."

"They’re very happy together," was all I said, unsure why she always did this. I wasn’t that great at chitchat on a good day, never mind after the last twenty-four hours. I just put it down to her being from the South.

Lucie hummed. "Glad to hear it."

"Eoghan said the nuptials went well."

"They did. If it makes them feel better, then who am I to judge? Never understood the need to formalize these things, but that’s the rebel in me I think."

"You never thought about marrying one of yours?"

"Well, they didn’t give me much choice," she joked. "But we never did the whole group marriage thing.

"Anyway, enough about our personal lives, I know how you New Yorkers cringe when things dare go beyond business. I have news and I didn’t feel like speaking with Jackass so I thought I’d see if you were taking calls."

"Hit me with it." I sat up straighter, curious now.

I’d been the brother tasked with handling our business with the Hell’s Rebels’ MC, but this was one of the chores that had been spread among my siblings. Not that Lucie was all that difficult to deal with. Not like that fucker Wolfe, the MC’s Prez.

"It took long enough, and I apologize for it, but we’ve finally managed to get the shipment of ghost guns together."

"You don’t have to apologize," I rumbled. "I already told you my father was willing to wait for the merchandise to reach his direct specifications."

"Well, it’s finally happened. We’re going to be bringing them up to New York mid-January. I just need to know where you’d like them delivered."

"Can I get back to you with logistics?"

"Of course." She cleared her throat. "I wanted to get them to you faster just out of gratitude for what you did for Ink. I know your brother was injured, and it seemed... well, the delay pissed me off more than it did your family. I appreciate your patience."

"No need. I’m pretty sure Declan would thank Amaryllis and Ink right now. He wouldn’t have his family if it weren’t for that calamity."

"Calamity’s the word. Okay, get in touch with the specifics, and we’ll meet in January."

My lips curved slightly. "That a threat?"

"Maybe. I like to put a face to the name."

"You looking to add to that harem you’ve got?"

She cackled. "They’d chew you up, boy."

"You know you’re younger than me, don’t you?"

"Some souls were just born to be ancient, and that’s me. Comes with the name, I figure. Okay, Aidan, speak soon."

"Will do."

As we cut the call, I found myself skewered in place by Savannah’s curiosity, and I prepared myself for her questions.

Only, I didn’t get any.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic