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"You know why."

She fell quiet, and it was, I’d admit, nice to talk to someone who knew everything. All my past history, all my lies and truths, all my secrets. There was no hiding from Savannah, not when she’d been there at the time.

"I do know why," she said eventually.Sorrowfully. "What are you doing for the holidays?"

"Nothing. I’ll be staying with the Sinners. What about you?"

"The fam’s going to Hawaii. But I’m not."


"Camden pissed me off."

I whistled under my breath. "Isn’t that what Camden does best?"

"Well, he can go fuck himself. He’s all up in arms about me trapping Wintersen."

I snickered. "Probably channeling that time you whacked him in the balls too."

Savannah cackled. "Oh, shit, how did I forget that?"

"Guaranteed his balls have muscle memory or something." My laughter deepened. "I wish you’d seen his face when you smacked him instead of the piñata. I thought he was going to be speaking at a higher octave for sure. You probably helped his singing career."

She released an amused sigh. "Good times."

"Not for his penis. You’re welcome around here if you want to. I don’t know what they’ll be doing for the holidays, but the offer’s there."

"I’m not sure what’s happening for Christmas to be honest."

"She’ll be coming to dinner with me."

I arched a brow. "That Aidan Jr.?" I knew he was staying with Conor even though, and this was quite sweet, Conor had tried to hide that fact from me.

"It is."

"I’m on speaker?" I groused. "Savannah, you’re supposed to warn someone when they’re on speaker."

"He sneaked up on me," she defended. "I thought I was alone."

I huffed. "That reminds me... talking about sneaks. If you arranged anything for the holidays, made plans for Christmas, just for a coffee or whatever with friends, reschedule. Even if it’s a delivery from a store, change the times. You don’t know who was listening in or what they were scoping out."


"I know it’s tedious," I murmured apologetically. "But it’s for the best in the long run."

"I guess."

"Do it," I ordered. "Don’t fuck around either. I’m being serious. They went old school last night but that doesn’t mean they’ll keep going with that MO."

"Yes,Mom.I’ll change scheduled times and things."

"Good. Now, hop to it. We have Christmases to destroy, don’t forget."

"As if I could," she said wryly.

I hummed with delight then disconnected the call.

Like a real anti-Santa, I had mayhem to reap, chaos to sow, and havoc to dispense.

It was all in a day’s work.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic