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I didn’t like feelingguilty.

In fact, I really fucking hated it, but aCooooig,Conor, brought it out in me.

The ability to feel.

Katina, my foster daughter, had started to wear down my walls, so I couldn’t solely blame Conor—although I’d deny that in a court of law—but there was an urge inside me that was growing.

I dealt with urges all the time.

Kill that bastard—go for it. He beat his woman.

Throat punch that barfly—why not? He was stalking one of the servers.

Most of the time, I acted on those impulses. It was why, instead of counting my losses once I freed myself from the Sparrows’ clutches, I dove back into the fray, determined to bring them down or to die trying.

However things had swiftly grown complicated.

Along the path of learning how the Sparrows worked, I’d found women dotted around the States who’d been bought and sold like they were T-shirts from Walmart. That was how I’d found Katina.

Then, still on the hunt, I’d sniffed around the Five Points as I tried to determine whether they were the Sparrows’ illegitimate front.

Because I’d breached Conor’s security that first time, I’d brought them down on me. The Irish Mob had me in their crosshairs, so I’d escaped to the haven of a serving buddy/old boyfriend—the Satan’s Sinners’ MC compound in West Orange, New Jersey, dragging Katina along with me—CPS be damned.

Since then, more shit had gone wrong. I’d started to care about the MC. Started tofeellike they were family which meant I’d killed, dug my way deeper into shit, and had sorted through their personal laundry as if it were my own.

Throughout it all, Conor had been there.

Once he’d forgiven me for breaching his security, we’d started a playful relationship. I hacked into his systems, he hacked into mine.

It was fun.


Something I didn’t allow myself to have, not when there was a secret society of asswipes out there to take down.

But he invited that side of me to come out to party, and we’d grown close.

Closer than close.

Which was where those urges came into play.

I wanted to meet him.

I wanted to...touchhim.

Just hearing his voice on the other end of the line was starting to do weird things to me.

I’d never been an overly sexual person. Most of the time, I’d used sex to manipulate men into doing things for me, and because they were beautifully predictable, it worked like a charm. Having been raised on the road with my rockstar family, I knew how the world worked.

A groupie sucked off a roadie, then suddenly, they had access to the band if they gave good head. That groupie fucked the band, got passed around, and got to travel around the world for lying on her back.


What I was feeling for Conor wasn’t transactional, and that was dangerous.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic