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He was insane. If anything, from what I’d seen at the makeshift ER, he’d mellowed out over the years.

Age… the great sanity maker.

I peered down at the box’s contents, and seeing a string of beads, I returned the box to its rightful place then moved around to show him what I was holding.

He didn’t direct me to put it on, so I didn’t, just returned to his side. I knelt down, handed the cold jade beads to him, then watched with wide eyes as he twisted it around, decorating his cock with it.

Instantly, he hissed, but even though the chill had to have affected his ardor, the inferno raging in him seemed to burn me.

I stared at him, wanting so desperately to jack him off. But even though a hand job wasn’t as arduous as fucking, I had to reason that it was the act of ‘peaking’ that wasn’t all that good for the heart either.

Having found him now, I didn’t want him to die on me.

Even if he was a jackass for all the mistakes he’d made.

I licked my lips at the sight, and asked, “How old is it?”

“Six hundred years old.”

The reply had me gasping as I rocked back on my heels. The jade was a pure white, so white that each bead was like frozen milk. There were faint lines in it, but they were faded with age.


He smirked. “What do you think?”

That had me swallowing as I whispered, “Don’t think it was meant to decorate your dick.”

“No? Shame. I think it looks pretty.” His grin was wicked. “Don’t you?” When he tipped his head to the side, I knew his words were going to be filthy, and I waited on them, waited and wasn’t disappointed. “I’m going to come all over these beads one day, and then I’m going to wrap them around your throat and we’re going to attend the theater. These things are meant to be worn, but they’ve been waiting for you. Only you would ever suit them.”

I wasn’t stupid. I knew, in all the years we’d been separated that if I’d had lovers, he’d had hundreds of them. Even though it was ridiculous to be jealous, I was a little. But something in his tone, combined with the words themselves, told me that no one had ever replaced me.

No one could or would.

“Would you like that, Aela? The beads saturated in cum, touching your skin, making you smell of me all fucking night?”

I let my gaze drift from his dick, which was hard and proud and throbbing with an intensity that I knew wasn’t good for his heart. The bright red flesh looked obscene against the milky white jade.

“You’re very presumptuous.”

“Always was with you,” he admitted. “Mo bhanphrionsa.”

I gritted my teeth at the endearment. “You have no right to call me that.”

“Not yet, maybe, but we both know the feelings haven’t gone anywhere, Aela. We both know that they never will.”

Tipping my chin up, I whispered, “And what are we supposed to do? Just fall in love and live happily ever after?”

He ignored my scoffing sound and asked instead, “Why not?”

Could it be so simple?



“You think you want me now,” I argued, “but I won’t let you drag Seamus into this world. Not without a fight.”

He reared up at that, and stunned the crap out of me by grabbing me by the back of my neck and hauling me down to the bed with him. When his tongue plundered my mouth, I got it.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic