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I wanted to tell her that, by fourteen, I’d already killed a few men, but Seamus,Shay, wasn’t like me, and I was glad for that.

We’d started in the life way too early, Declan younger than any of us thanks to Da’s belief he was gay, and that was a rite of passage I hoped we wouldn’t pass onto our own kids. I sure as fuck wouldn’t be letting any son I had, if I ever had any, roam around learning the ropes at fourteen to make sure we were man enough for the job ahead of us.

I watched as she grabbed his head, tucked his face into her throat, and practically frog-marched him out of the room. He didn’t have a chance to see the body on the ground, not one chance, and admiration filled me.

Conor hummed at the sight too. “She’s a good mom.”

Of course that was a generalization, and since he wasn’t the kind to make such sweeping statements, I cut him a look.

“She might be a shit mother.”

He shook his head, keeping his eyes glued to the screen. I wasn’t sure how he’d done it, but the security system followed her, tracing her every move, meaning that as she walked out into the hall, the camera switched, and the screen followed her path. She walked toward us where, at the top of the stairs, the police were slowly approaching the upper landing.

She called out, “It’s me, Officer. I’m Aela O’Neill. I own the property.”

Cops surged upward at that, but what I saw surprised me.

There were eight officers, which was unusual enough. I highly doubted the local force sent out eight cops for a regular home invasion, so that was more than sufficient to have my brows rising. But throw in the plain-clothed detectives, two of them, and one a face I recognized?


I cut Conor a look. “Caroline Dunbar.”

He dipped his chin. “Fuck.”

My mouth twisted at his statement. “Fuck about sums it up. What’s she doing there?”

That had him rolling his eyes. “She’s a Fed. Her jurisdiction is everywhere.”

“I know that, dumbass, but she’s normally stuck around us. Like flies around shit.”

“Ha, flies. More like bees around honey.”

I grinned a little at that, but I zoomed in on Caroline’s face.

What surprised me more was that Aela recognized her. Her shoulders stiffened at the sight of her, but Seamus only confirmed it with his, “Caro? What are you doing here?”

Cutting Conor a look when he growled, I muttered, “Entrapment.”

“The beginnings of. Why the hell would the Feds target Aela? They had to know we weren’t aware of Seamus. There are no records of child support payments. Nothing that would indicate there are any links. Anything she knows would be at least, what, fourteen years old?”

“Doesn’t mean there aren’t some crimes we can’t still be tried over, does it?” I arched a brow at him. “Murder doesn’t come with a statute of limitations.”

“True.” He scowled. “What the fuck could Aela know though? Declan wouldn’t have kept her in the loop.” He shook his head. “I don’t know why I’m even asking. I had no idea they were boning anyway. I thought he was stuck on that Deirdre bitch.”

“No. I have no idea why he was with Deirdre, but I knew about Aela. He was always useless at hiding things from me.”

“Aren’t we all?” Conor muttered glumly.

But I didn’t even crack a smile at that. “Wonder if it’s Deirdre,” I mused out loud.

“What about her?”

“Her death? We covered it up, but fuck knows what that bitch has got her claws out for.”

Caroline Dunbar was a severe pain in the ass.

She had a habit of turning up out of the blue with random pieces of evidence that she tried to use to bring us down. It never worked. Even if she had a shot of us with a gun in our hand and the bullet flying out of the muzzle before it penetrated someone’s chest, it wouldn’t matter worth a damn.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic