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“Wedon’thave a problem?”

Conor beamed at me. “No. We have a solution.”

“To which problem?” Finn asked. “And did you really have to wake me up at three AM? Some of us have to be up like regular people.”

Conor blinked. “It’s three AM?”

“Never mind,” Finn said with a yawn. “What solution and which problem?”

“I found out who Benito Fieri’s heir will be.”

“Didn’t we already know that?” I asked with a frown. “Only the Rossis and the Genovicos hold any power in the ranks. You know they have a different power system than us.”

“Yeah, their way makes no sense,” Aidan grumbled, rubbing his hand over his face. “Who has three families in charge? Why three as well? Why not a council?”

“We only have one family in charge,” I pointed out. “And when Da dies, you’ll take over, and when your kids are old enough, they’ll be more important than my kids.”

“It’s royalty, is what it is. Considering Da hates the British, I wonder if he realizes he runs his world in the same vein as the Windsors,” Brennan commented with a small laugh.

My lips twitched. “Think we’re getting off topic.”

“We are, and some of us have people waiting for us back in bed,” Eoghan groused.

“Marriage has made you a real killjoy,” Conor remarked. “You’d think a regular lay would have perked you up.”

“I was plenty perky before you dragged me in on this group call.”

I had to laugh, and so did the others. We all knew that when theMission Impossibletheme song rang on our cells, because Conor was still in Fourth Grade, that we had to answer.

“Well, you can get back to boning your wife after we’ve discussed this. Lodestar got in touch.”

“She did?” I scowled. “Why? I thought you and she were enemies.”

“She went out of her way to tell me we had mutual enemies so that made her a friend.”

“Sounds like your kind of psycho,” Aidan rumbled. “Maybe she’s hot, Conor. Then the two of you can make computer babies together.”

Conor hissed. “She wrecked my computer. The one I built from scratch, bro. Only thing I’m making with her is war. Even if,” he tacked on, “I owe her.”

Aidan rolled his eyes. “You’re the biggest fucking drama queen I know.”

“Anyway,” Finn grumbled, “before things devolve into a bitching match where both of you prove you’re drama queens, what’s the solution, Conor?”

“Make friends with the Rossis, kill Fieri, pave the way for a power exchange. Fieri’s insane anyway. He’s waging war out there like he has nothing else to lose. He must have pissed people off in the ranks.”

“You say that like killing Fieri would be easy,” I remarked.

“Why wouldn’t it be? We’re always exposed, and don’t we have the Whistler on our side—the best sniper in the country?”

Eoghan heaved a sigh. “I ain’t pulling that kind of move without Da’s sanction.”

“Big baby,” Conor rumbled.

“No, I’m just not willing to get my balls cut off when my wife is very much attached to them.”

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic