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The second mycomputer screen went blank, I knew what had happened.

“Goddammit,” I groused under my breath, unsurprised when bright green text flashed onto it.

I swore, this bitch had a Matrix obsession—only ever did things in black and green.

Lodestar: **I know what you did last summer.**

aCooooig: **I’m not Freddie Prinze Jr.**

Lodestar: **Shame. Always had a crush on him.**

aCooooig: **There a reason you hijacked my hardware?**

Lodestar: **Fun?**

aCooooig: **Fuck. U.**

Lodestar: **Ouch. You trying to hurt my feelings?**

aCooooig: **If you infect my hardware again, you’ll wish that was all that hurt when I’m through with you.**

Lodestar: **I thought you liked playing?**

aCooooig: **I do. Just without the ten grand price tag every time.**

Lodestar: **It’s true what they say then.**

aCooooig: **About what?**

Lodestar: **The Irish. Tight.**

aCooooig: **My ass is tight. And it’s the Scots. The Irish are flush with cash when they’re happy.**

Lodestar: **Good to know.**

aCooooig: **There a reason you’re here? Hijacking my computer?**

Lodestar: **Yep**

aCooooig: **Care to share?**

Lodestar: **Seen the traces you’ve been running**

aCooooig: **Which ones?**

Lodestar: **All of them, little bird. Flying all over the web like you have. You’re lucky I’m the first one to spot it.**

aCooooig: **Specifics.**

Lodestar: **The Fieris?**

aCooooig: **There a reason you got in touch?**

Lodestar: **I just learned we’re working for the same side.**

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic