Page 4 of Dare to be Naughty

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Hayden’s smile was amused. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but reading fiction does not mean you know much of anything.” He chuckled. “Still, you’re nothing if not persistent, I’ll give you that.”

He paused while she held her breath. Finally, he said, “If we were to extend an invitation, you’d be required to sign a comprehensive non-disclosure agreement both about the club’s existence and anything you see there. As you might imagine, we guard our privacy very carefully, for obvious reasons.”

“Done,” she said promptly.

“Assuming we get that far,” Hayden countered, ”on this one night everyone attending the party is required to wear a masquerade mask at all times. You may remove the rest of your clothing, but the mask is to remain in place, no exceptions.”

You may remove the rest of your clothing…

Dahlia realized her mouth was hanging open, and she snapped it shut. Was this more than she could handle, academically or otherwise? Should she admit defeat and say thanks but no thanks?

Yet, even as she considered this option, her entire body thrummed with excitement. Her nipples continued to tent her top, while her panties were now soaked, her clit throbbing. As crazy as it was to admit, rather than scaring her away, he’d only stoked the fires of her curiosity and secret longing.

Hayden’s cell phone chirped in his pants pocket, startling Dahlia from her brief reverie. He pulled it out and examined the screen. “Uh oh,” he said, pushing back from the table. “I’m late for rounds. Gotta go.”

“Wait,” Dahlia cried, her mind suddenly made up. “You can’t just walk away without resolving this. Come on, Hayden. I’m cool with everything you’ve said, I swear it. I’ll sign whatever you want, and adhere to all the rules, I promise. I really, really want to go to that party. Please.”

She held her breath, willing him to agree.

He turned back, fixing her once more with his penetrating gaze. “I believe you actually mean it. Or think you do.”

“I do,” Dahlia asserted emphatically, ignoring the butterflies flitting wildly in her stomach.

“I’ll consider it,” he said lightly. “Have a great day, Dr. Simon.”

Tags: Claire Thompson Erotic