Page 19 of Gabe and Avery

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I was convinced that the only thing more beautiful than Avery coming on my hand would be watching her come around my cock. And if I didn’t see it real fucking soon, I was going to lose my ever-loving mind.

My intention had been to take a romantic walk and then coax her back to the room with sweet words, to slowly move our relationship forward so she didn’t get skittish and run off. That plan had been shot to smithereens after seeing her silky skin illuminated by the hues of the setting sun. The cheerful expression on her face, the slight sparkle on her delectable lips from her gloss, the way her hips swayed seductively as she moved, it all simmered beneath the surface, then slowly grew into an inferno. All the blood in my body drained to my groin and I lost my grip on my control. The only thought left in my mind was that I had to kiss Avery, or…actually, there was no or…I justhad tokiss her.

That led to a desperate need to see her come. And now I was left with nothing but a gnawing hunger that would only be satisfied by burying myself deep inside her.

I kept her close to me as I started back into the hotel and to the elevator. The ride to our floor was thick with tension, but I knew if I made a move before we got to our room, I wouldn’t be able to hold back anymore. When the car glided to a halt and dinged as the doors whooshed open, I swept Avery into my arms and strode down the hall at a brisk pace. Once I reached our door, I fished out my key card from my pocket and unlocked it before shoving it open. I took three strides inside, letting the door slam shut behind us, then I dropped Avery to her feet before gathering her in my arms and capturing her mouth in a deep kiss.

“I’ve wanted you for so damn long,” I mumbled against her lips as my hands gently squeezed her before traveling up to cup her breasts. Pulling back, I gazed down into her passion-glazed eyes. “Tell me you’re mine, baby.”

Avery moaned and licked her lips, making my painfully hard dick strain toward her. “I want to be yours tonight, Gabe,” she panted. “I know we shouldn’t, but I want one night to remember. To hold on to.”

I felt as though a bucket of ice water was dumped over my head and was slithering through my veins. My hands fell to my sides, and I took a couple of steps back. “One night?” I croaked.What the fuck?The cold was flushed from my body by a wave of fiery anger. “What the fuck do you mean ‘one night’?” I growled.

Avery glanced away guiltily, then straightened her shoulders and met my stare unflinchingly. “Yes. I don’t know why you’re so…indignant. Don’t deny you’ve been trying to seduce me for months.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” I seethed.

“Well, you wouldn’t make an actual move so I did it.” Her voice wavered slightly, and I couldn’t help but be a little impressed by her strength when she was clearly nervous.

“It’s about damn time,” I grumbled. “But what’s all this one night bullshit?”

Avery sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, lifting her breasts, and I barely managed to keep my focus on her face. “I don’t think an extended fling is a good idea. We just need to get each other out of our systems so we can continue to work together without things getting messy. The longer a fling goes on, the more complicated it’s bound to get.”

A light clicked on, and I suddenly felt like the world’s biggest jackass. “A fling?”

Avery scowled. She clearly didn’t appreciate the amusement in my tone.

I sighed and took a step closer to her but stopped and frowned when she backed up. I took another step, and she did the same thing again. “Stop moving away from me,” I growled.

“I can’t think straight when you are so close,” she snapped.

A grin split my face. “I don’t see a problem with that.”

“Of course, you don’t,” she mumbled, glancing away.

I used that split second to my advantage, lunging forward and scooping her into my arms before she realized what was happening.

“Put me down,” she sputtered indignantly.

“No.” I made my way to the sitting area and dropped onto the recliner, settling her in my lap. I was going to position her so she was straddling me, but then I remembered her naked pussy and figured it would be smarter to keep her legs closed for the moment.

She folded her arms over her chest and lifted her chin stubbornly. “I won’t have a fling with you, Gabriel.”

Well, fuck. I had no idea how hot it would be to hear her say my full name.Focus. Long game.“Good,” I rasped, my voice gravely from how hard I was clenching my jaw.

Avery’s eyebrows rose and her eyes sparked with disappointment for a millisecond. Then they cleared and she bobbed her chin. “Good. You agree to one night then.”

“A one night stand?” I crossed my arms and arched a dark eyebrow at her. “Absolutely not.

Her expression turned sad, and she murmured, “You want to keep things professional? I totally understand that. It’s probably the smartest—”

I rolled my eyes and interrupted her. “For the love of—Avery, baby, stop thinking and listen.”

She pursed her lips and folded her arms again, drawing my eyes to her breasts and making it hard to concentrate. I gently untangled them and held her hands in mine. “It’s too distracting when you do that,” I explained, loving the sweet dusting of pink that appeared on the apples of her cheeks.

Tags: Elle Christensen Romance