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I turned away from him and reached for the strap of my duffel. “Like I said, thanks for bringing me my bag.”

He finally took the hint that I wanted him to leave me the hell alone. With a clearing of his throat, he stepped away from the bed. “Be in the foyer in about ten minutes, he’ll be ready to go by then.”


I’d completely forgotten about this surprise trip we were supposed to be taking.

Gavin was out the door before I could question him on the matter. I hadn’t wanted to come here and now we were going somewhere else? There was the option of digging my feet in and daring him to drag me along, but I knew he would gladly do so. If Judas wanted me to go somewhere with him, I didn’t have much of a choice right now.

I opened the bag and just as Gavin had said, everything was inside. Mostly untouched and completely useless. My phone was on thirty percent and there wasn’t a single contact saved that could get me out of this mess. All my money might as well have zero value.

Only a total fucking idiot would dial up the police. The Barrons had to have quite a few on their payroll. I assumed that was the case, anyways. I wasn’t looking to find out how deep their corrupted seeds were planted.

The only person who could help me was myself.


I cursed the butterflies that took flight at the sight of him. He was such a gorgeous man, but that wasn’t what drew me in with a forlornness that could only be soothed away by his hands.

There was a darkness inside Judas that burned like an inextinguishable flame. Deep within me was a flicker of that same slow-burning fire. When brought together, we were bewitching combustion.

It was hard to describe how that made me feel. Losing that warmth when I did my family had almost felt like a punishment for daring to experience it in the first place.

I guess the easiest way to define it would be akin to the way an addict felt after they got a potent hit. It was floating on an untouchable cloud of bliss that while life-threatening, was totally worth it. But then reality chased the high away and had you hitting rock bottom. The source of euphoria vanished and left you a shell of what you once were before you tasted rapture.

That was Judas, the high you couldn’t get enough of but would surely overdose on.

He watched me approach with an inscrutable look on his face, silver eyes sweeping up and down my body.

“You’re beautiful all the time, but you look really fucking good in that dress.”

I swallowed and took a quick mental breather, trying to prepare myself for being in his company.

“Well, it’s all you left me.”

“I wanted us to match.” He motioned up and down, showing off his perfectly pressed, black suit.

It was similar to Gavin’s but notably fancier. “Anyways, there’s a closet full of clothing you’ll be able to do with as you please. I’ll have it unlocked before we get back tonight.”

I blinked at him.

So many questions popped into my head but the most important one right now was where the hell he intended on taking me.

“It’s not even noon. Where are we going that will keep us away all day?”

“Why? Going to miss home already?”

“You’re not funny.”

One side of his perfect lips tilted upward with a cool smirk. “I wasn’t trying to be. Come on, we’re going to be late.”

Ignoring his offered arm, I veered around him and began walking towards the front door.

“If this were anywhere else, you’d pay for that. I’m choosing to appreciate the view right now.”

Ugh. I tossed a glare over my shoulder without slowing my stride. His comment reminded me of the pat he’d given my ass earlier.

“Seeing as you’ve used your free pass, that’s all you’re permitted to do.”

Without hearing his suddenly rapid approach, he came up behind me and pulled open the front door, placing his chest at my back. “Is that the lie you need to tell yourself to feel better, principessa?”

I barely suppressed the shudder his words sent down my spine. I licked my lips and stepped outside, finding immediate respite beneath the warmth of radiant sunlight.

Judas followed much too close for comfort.

I did my best to ignore his proximity and retraveled the path I’d taken the night before. My steps automatically slowed when I saw the car angled in the circular drive, its front end facing away from the house. Judas’ palm skimmed across my lower back as he stepped around me and walked directly up to the flashy vehicle.

“What is that?”

“Your chariot,” he replied sarcastically. He rounded around the bullet-shaped front end to the passenger side and lifted up the door.

I eyed the vehicle with consternation. It was a silver two-seater with an electric blue interior. The movie Transformers came to mind the longer I studied it. This had to of cost a pretty penny, more evidence of Judas’ wealth. I looked towards the garage, but the doors were still lowered. Two large SUVs like the one we’d ridden in last night were parked in front of them.

Tags: Natalie Bennett Reign & Ruin Romance