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“But I want—” My hand cups her pussy once more.

“Ever heard of delayed gratification, boss?” she whispers, that mischievous glint in her eyes back full force.

“You wanna go hang out with my friends instead of letting me get you off?”

“Firstly,” she points out, “they’re my friends too. You need to learn to share your toys.” She quirks a brow, and a smile forms on my lips. “And secondly, I have every confidence that you’ll make it worth the wait.”

“No pressure, huh?”

“I’m confident in your skills, Theodore.”

“Hmm,” I say, dragging her back in for another kiss. “I’m more than confident in yours, you filthy little whore.”

“Yours,” she mumbles into our kiss.


* * *

“Oh look, the sex addicts return,” Seb barks the second we emerge from my office.

“Oh that’s fucking rich,” Alex snaps. “You couldn’t even wait to get the tip in before I left your place the other night,” he happily announces to the room.

Calli shakes her head while Nico high-fives Seb in excitement.

“When you need it, you need it,” Nico explains as if it’s fucking necessary.

I’m pretty sure the only one in this room who doesn’t know that feeling is Calli. And thankfully, the blush on her cheeks right now only confirms my suspicion.

“You’re a dog,” she hisses at her brother, slapping him around the head, but his only response is to bark proudly.

Dipping my head, I brush my lips against Emmie’s ear. “Just remember, you could have been laid out on my desk with my tongue inside you while you screamed my name right now.”

My cock swells at the thought.

“There’s always time, big man. Let’s go eat. I’m starving.”

“Fair enough,” I concede, unable to deny that I’m hungry and that the scent of the Chinese Seb and Stella have covered my dining table with smells insane.

“So,” Emmie starts, and I groan, knowing that I’m not going to like what’s coming next. “How was your ride with Xander?” she asks Calli, poking her tongue into her cheek. “What?” she gasps innocently when I elbow her in the ribs.

Every guy around the table stiffens at her suggestive question—even Toby, who’s sitting silently at the other end looking like he’d rather be anywhere else in the world right now.

Pain slices through me once more at the anger and hopelessness that surrounds him.

“Oh, it was great,” Calli beams, dragging my eyes from Toby. “It was… rough,” she suggests with a smirk.

“Callista, you are not falling for a fucking biker,” Nico snaps, his fist curling on the table, his knuckles turning white.

“Fuck you, Nico,” she hisses back. “I’ll fall for who I want.” Something passes through Calli’s eyes as she says that, but it’s gone so fast I wonder if I imagined it.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” he mutters to himself before reaching for his beer and downing it in one.

“All right, man?” I say, leaving my girl behind and squeezing Toby’s shoulder.

“Yeah,” he grunts unconvincingly.

“Have a good time with those girls last night?”

Tags: Tracy Lorraine Knight's Ridge Empire Dark