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Reece's words made heat pool in my belly. I arched my back as he hooked his finger in the waistband of my underwear. Reaching out for him blindly, I captured his hands and gripped his fingers. "Please," I pleaded. To stop or to keep going, I didn’t know. That deep, hidden part of me wanted him to touch me. To take me to the brink where I could no longer think of propriety and expectations. To the place where there was only Reece and the way he made me feel.

One more kiss or word from him and I would give him anything. "Please what, Alina?" he asked, voice tantalizingly low, the vibrations of it strumming against the base of my throat and driving down all the way to the apex of my thighs.

His hand came up to touch my chin as he brought my head forward so my eyes met his, that dark predatory look that was so much like a wolf’s. The animalistic passion of such creatures had always amazed me. In Reece's arms under full sunlight I finally understood the danger, the intoxicating and engrossing nature of it. The addiction of knowing I was capable of bringing that out in him.

"Please," I said again, giving his hand a squeeze and reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck. Dragging him closer until our breaths mingled with our lips only centimeters apart. So close we were that with one simple movement, I could taste him again. "Show me what it would be like to be yours.”

He growled, a feral sound low in his throat, so much like the wolf I compared him to. Thrill coursed through me as he grabbed my hips with both hands and spun me around so my back was to him, plastered against the hard ridges of muscles through his suit. My soft curves against the hard ridges of his body, my innocence against his experience.

The hard bulge of him pressed against my ass, and I pushed back to rub myself against him, letting out a moan as the dark pleasure of it coursed through me. "You're going to kill me, my cloistered Princess." His firm hands reached up to bring the straps of my dress even further down my arms, one of his hands wrapping around my throat, the other pressing under my breasts to bring me even closer, until our breathing mimicked one another’s. "If only we could stay here forever.”

His hands crept until his thumb carefully caressed me through the lacy fabric of my bra. My nipples pebbled under his attention, and I shivered even though it was far from cold. "Reece, I want to touch you." I hitched a breath, my hand reaching behind me, rubbing him through his pants. The hardness of him that I'd felt when I'd ground my ass against him. His moan sounded hoarse in my ear, his breath hot as it fanned across my cheek.

Before I could say or do anything more, he grabbed me and spun me back around. Both hands grasping my wrists over my head, he pushed me back against the tall hedge wall. Holding my wrists pinned with one hand, his other pulled at the waistband of my underwear that clung to me with my wetness.

But instead of removing them, he ran a finger teasingly down the middle, meeting my eyes to give me a dark and dangerous smile. "You're so wet for me, Baby Bird.” His thumb pressed into the nub in my core, and I let out a breathless sound at the forbidden thrill of pleasure that sent tingles over my skin. I knew the proper thing would be to ask him to stop, but I knew I could only ask him to do it again.

When he rubbed, all coherent thoughts fled my brain as all of me became nothing but the thousands of nerve endings he lit on fire. The sound of his voice burnt through me, ordering me to let go and just feel him. The feeling of his hands on me were rough, ready to stake his claim.

He tugged my underwear off, the silk fraying at the seams as he divested me of them. He took my hands in his, giving the inside of my palms a kiss before putting my hands on his shoulder. "Hold on, Baby Bird."

Before I could say anything, one of his fingers toyed with my entrance, circling and pressing inside slowly. My body clenched around the intrusion, fighting to keep him out even while I wanted to let him in. Even that finger felt obtrusive. Too large for my body.

I closed my eyes and sank into the feeling of him. The knowledge that it was him sinking his finger inside me slowly. That if nothing else, I’d always have the memory of him to look back on fondly when I returned to my miserable existence. “Whose pussy is this?” he asked.

My gasp echoed through the quiet space, the vulgar language setting something inside me free. “Mine?” I asked on a whimper as that treacherous finger of his brushed against a barrier inside of me. The contact sent a jolt of pain through my body, and Reece eased back to stare at me intently momentarily.

“Wrong answer, Alina,” he whispered, his blue eyes glimmering with possession as he stared at me. His finger touched that spot again, drawing a mewl from my lips. “Try again.”

“Yours?” I asked tentatively. Pushing his finger forward, he drove through the barrier and muffled the sound of my cry with his mouth. His lips tormented mine, taking harshly in a kiss that was all tongue and teeth and brutality.

“Mine,” he agreed as he pulled away finally, soothing my sore tissue with a slow glide of his finger in and out of me, his thumb brushing my clit to transform some of the pain to pleasure. “You’ll thank me for doing that now instead of later. In the meantime, nobody else touches what’s mine. Not even you, Baby Bird.”

I moaned as he addedanother finger and pumped harder, faster without the barrier of my innocence to stop him. My world threatened to collapse around me, my nails digging into his shoulder blades. I bit into my lip to keep myself from shouting as my world shattered, and I felt myself tighten around his fingers.

The world burnt to black and stars burst at the back of my lids.

Even as I came back from my first orgasm, reality threatened at the edges of my mind. The fact that Reece may not ever touch me in that way again, that I may never get to touch him or feel his overwhelming passion. He groaned and drew my eyes open, my lips parting as I watched him suck his fingers into his mouth. "Don't worry, my Princess. I'll kill anyone who dares try to touch you like this." He dragged me against him, his lips crashing down onto me, and it was a different sensation, a different taste as I recovered from having my world rocked.

Reece and a sweet, salty flavor I realized was me. It should have felt dirty, should have felt wrong. But I felt smug knowing he'd been driven to taste me that way. I wanted to do the same for him, to touch him and feel his desire.

"Alina." His grip on my arms tightened as I reached for him. He stiffened when my hesitant fingers brushed against the ridge of him in his pants. "You don't want to go there today."

I swallowed, knowing that he was giving me a way out. I knew it must have been difficult for him to give me that choice, given how hard he was to the touch. It only emboldened me more, made me more determined to give him the same gift he’d given me. "No, I..." I hesitated, his eyes peering into all the parts of me that were laid bare in that moment in his alcove where I'd grown from princess to woman. "I want to, Reece."

He gave me a gentle shove, my back pressing against the wall as the sound of his zipper lowering reached my ears. He reached down and pulled himself free while I watched, chewing my bottom lip with my nerves.

The moment the length of him sprung free, I freed my lip from between my teeth. Large and imposing, with angry purple veins beneath where the skin stretched taut around him, I’d never imagined a man could be beautiful...there.

I knew how sex worked, understood the mechanics as Mother saw fit to teach me so I could please my future husband, but it had always felt transactional. Like a necessity and a chore to make heirs and nothing more. I assumed it had always been that way between her and my father. But as my desire only increased with the moments I spent staring at Reece, watching as his powerful hand pumped over himself slowly, I understood it didn’t have to be that way.

There was nothing that felt forced between me and Reece. There was nothing but pleasure as I watched him. Jealousy that he touched himself instead of my hand being the one wrapped around him.

I reached out to touch it under his intense gaze. Solid as a rock beneath soft skin, and I wrapped my hand around him the best I could. My fingers didn’t touch the way his had, but he eased my moment of insecurity when he placed his hand over mine. He groaned, guiding my hand in the movement to show me what he liked.

Tags: Adelaide Forrest Fantasy