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“Danhy. Axel.”

“Colonel.” We both say at the same time. He walks up toward the front to the pilot to let him know to take off as we buckle up. As I get settled, I can’t help but wonder what she is going to think of me. Of us. I want to know what she smells like. If she is going to fit right under my chin or be as tall as me. Is she going to be meek and shy or outgoing and bold? Is she going to want to return to Russia or will she be open to making a home with me? Here. My mind is a river of questions and thoughts, holding her picture in my hand rubbing my finger across it. The one question I can’t seem to shake though is, have they hurt her? God! I don’t know if they are going to be able to bring me back from the brink if one hair on her head has been harmed. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t going to change anything. I have been waiting for six months to find her, and bring her home, with me. Fuck my baby into her and make her my wife. Nothing is going to change that. But, knowing that she was violated, will send me to another place.

“Alright, guys. Let’s get the plan finalized.” I need to make sure we are ready for whatever we find. One way or another.

Stepping out of the plane ten hours later I am primed and ready. We spent the whole flight going over the plan, creating several contingency plans and making sure our on the ground contact is ready. Jumping in the Vesta Cross with the colonel, Axel and one of our Russian contacts, Vlad, we begin the two-hour drive into the Ural Mountains. Apparently, while we were in the air, they changed locations. My leg won’t stop jumping and the Colonel notices.

“Danhy, I have never seen you like this about a mission. If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were either nervous or this was personal,” he says and looks at me, waiting for an answer. I suppose as my partners, I owe them an explanation, but somehow this seems private. Like something I need to hold close to the vest. At least until I have had a chance to talk to Zoya and tell her what her new life is going to be.

“Just ready to get this over with. The Russians are always the most volatile.” I simply go for the truth. Well, part of it. None of us say much, saving our words and energy for the fight ahead. We pull up about 1.6 kilometers from the warehouse and strap up.

“Two and two fellas. The Colonel and I will take the front. Axel and Vlad the back. I am not worried about taking any alive, other than the girl. By any means necessary. Load up, guys.” We split and begin the creep. I glance around the front and note one guard at the door. Signaling to Colonel, he pulls a smoke bomb from his belt and throws it in the front. We wait until we hear a thump before we continue the descent. We barely get the door open before we hear shots fired. Knowing it is coming for the guys in the back, I yank the door open and it’s showtime.

“Colonel, you take the left. I got the right.” He nods and heads off. Following along the hall, I see a number of empty cells, the knowledge that there were once women in them sends my blood boiling. I am wondering where all the guards are when I come to a room on the left, and my skin begins to prickle. Before I have even turned the corner into the room, I know she is in here. My heart begins to pick up pace and fingers become twitchy. This is it. Our future is in this room. I hear her whimper before I see the guard with his hand ripping her shirt off.

“Wrong woman asshole.” TAP. TAP. I lay one into his chest and head without hesitation. He falls to the floor in a pile at her feet as she cowers in the corner. My fucking heart bleeding for her.

“It’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you. Zoya right?” I know the answer already, but I need her to know I was sent. I walk slowly, one foot at a time, toward her, trying not to further scare her. “Your brother Anatoli sent us to find you. My name is Danhy. I promise I won’t hurt you. Trust me?” I hold my hand for her, praying she takes it. I know it is a lot to ask her right now, but we really need to go before more of Kerkin’s men show up. “Please Zoya. We need to go before more of the bad guys show up. I swear on my life, I won’t ever hurt you. Please trust me and come with me right now.”

Tags: M.K. Moore, ChaShiree M Erotic