Page 23 of Illicit

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Chapter Eleven

As soon as I was through the doors of Reed Tower, I pulled out my phone to call my best friend.  Hurrying down 5th Avenue toward my first day at White Rabbit, I waited as the phone rang, bursting at the seams with this new information.




And he’d blatantly said so.

A shiver ran down my spine even as the sun beat down on my back.

“Hell,” Greer finally answered. “Why are you calling me?”

“It’s important!” I practically shouted the words. “I have to tell you something.”

Greer groaned. “This couldn’t have been done in a text?”

“Greer,” I growled. “You know I wouldn’t pick up the phone and call someone unless I absolutely had to. “Are you sitting down?”

“Did someone die?”

“No, god.” I shook my head. Of course that’s what she would think. “Sorry.”

“Lead with that next time.” The phone muffled as she adjusted it against her ear or something. “I have to get ready for work. What’s up?”

“He told me he wants to fuck me.”

“What?” Her shriek was so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear. “Who? Reed?”

“Shhh,” I warned, looking around at the people walking past and simultaneously lowering the volume on my phone. It’s not like anyone would hear Greer and put two and two together, but it still felt like sensitive information. “Yes, it was him,” I murmured into the phone.

“Oh my God. Okay, tell me everything.”

“He literally called me into his office and told me he wants to fuck me but he doesn’t fuck employees.”

“Stop it. No way.”

“Yes!” I caught the gaze of someone passing by and shrugged as I mouthed, “Sorry.” Maybe  I should have waited until I got home to tell Greer, but then she’d be at work until two a.m. and I’d be waiting forever with this really crazy information burning a hole in my pants.


“I was just thinking.” She paused. “Okay, so, you’re not technically an employee. He doesn’t even pay you.”

“Oh my God. Greer.”

“What? I’m serious. Think about it.”

I waited for the light to change, then resumed walking with the other people on the busy sidewalk when it did. “I don’t… nah, it seems too murky.”

“Well it’s defo murky, but…” Another pause, then she added, “Wait. What did you say?”


“When he told you that he wanted to fuck yoy, Rylan, what. Did. You. Say?”

“Oh.” My cheeks heated as I thought back to the conversation in Reed’s office. “I told him he had a sexual harassment problem on his hands.”

She gasped loudly. “No you did not.”

I giggled. “I did.”

“Jesus, Ry. You cockblocked yourself.”

I grimaced. She had a point. But… “He can’t just go around saying shit like that.”

“But was he sexually harassing you?”

“I mean…” I shrugged. “Technically, yes.”

“Technically you watched him whip some lucky bitch and almost orgasmed without even being touched, but–”

“Shhh!” My eyes widened and I rapidly pressed the volume button on my phone as if anyone on the busy New York sidewalk could hear my best friend. “Is your Grandfather home?” I whispered.

“The professor?” Greer snorted. “He’s asleep.”

Rolling my lips together I shook my head. “I can’t believe you just said that out loud, G.”

“I can’t believe that the man you so desperately want to fuck told you he wants that too and you hit him with the threat of a lawsuit.”

“I didn’t…” I swallowed, my eyes widening as it occurred to me that that’s basically what I did. “Oh.”

“Yeah. Oh.” Greer chuckled. “Good luck getting anywhere near him now.”

My shoulders deflated, but then I straightened them. Up ahead, the store came into view. “You know what? Serves him right. The guy is an arrogant asshole. He shouldn’t be able to just go around saying that kind of thing to his employees.”

“Unpaid intern.”

“Greer. You know I’m right.”

“Well, I hope your ethics can make your toes curl, my friend, because he sure as shit ain’t gonna do it now.”

And that, folks, was the most depressing thing I’d heard in some time.

“I gotta go, babe. Have fun at work tonight.”


“Aw, Ry, don’t sound so glum. At least you know the feeling is mutual.”

“Yeah, a lot of good that does me.”

Greer laughed. “You’ll figure it out.”

I sighed as I reached White Rabbit.

“Let me know if you see Lacey.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And what she’s wearing.”

“Goodbye, Greer.” I ended the call, then tucked the phone into my purse. Before I opened the door, I slipped my jacket off and assessed myself in the reflection of the window. Yeah, I’d definitely need more corsets like this one. The woman looking back at me was hot.

So hot that Cabot Reed wants to fuck her.

I giggled, then gave my head a quick shake and walked inside to my new job.

Laurel stood when she saw me, smiling as she motioned for me to join her at the cash register. “Hey, how are you today?”

The gauging look in her eyes told me that was a loaded question. So we weren’t just going to pretend like last night never happened? I smiled as reassuringly as I could. “I’m fine.”

Laurel lifted an eyebrow.

“Really. Last night, I was just…” I tucked my purse beneath the counter. “Overwhelmed, I guess?”

“I get it. It can be a lot to take in for someone not familiar with the lifestyle.” She glanced at the back of the store. “Mina is waiting for you in her office, though. She wants to check in with you,  make sure you’re good to go.”

My shoulders deflated on a sigh.

“She’s not scary. I promise.”

Nodding, I left Laurel and made my way to Mina’s office. The door was closed, so I braced myself and knocked lightly.


Swallowing hard, I opened the door and walked inside.

Mina’s gaze met mine as she lifted her head. “Rylan, how are you?” She motioned toward the door. “Close the door, please.”

I did as she asked, then settled into one of the chairs facing her desk. An expensive rolling suitcase sat near the door. She’d said she was rarely here yesterday; did she stay in town longer than she’d planned because of my little freak out? Punch me.

“Rylan, I–”

“I’m sorry about last night,” I quickly interrupted.

“No, honey, I’m sorry about last night.”

Tags: Jessalyn Jameson Erotic