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“Maddie’s a sweetheart.”

“She’s also extremely disappointed to be missing the grand opening in favor of school.” Cayla pushed through the swinging kitchen door and headed straight for him, rising to her toes to brush a quick kiss to his lips.

When she would have pulled back, Holt tightened his arm around her and lingered until she relaxed against him with a contented sigh. He eased back, exhaling one himself. “Hi.”

“Good morning.” There were faint smudges beneath her eyes, but the I’ve-seen-you-naked-and-plan-to-again-very-soon twinkle canceled them out.

“I gather this is she?”

Remembering there were other people around, Holt gave himself a mental kick. “Yeah. Cayla, I’d like you to meet Dr. Audrey Graham. Audrey, my wife, Cayla.”

Audrey flashed a warm smile and offered her hand.

Cayla took it, beaming in return. “Pleased to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you and your program.”

“I’ve been extremely fortunate to work with some really great guys. Your husband is one of the best.”

Cayla cuddled into him. “I know.”

Damn, if that didn’t make Holt want to puff up his chest with pride.

“Oh my God, you two are the cutest!”

“Rachel! You’re back.”

Suddenly there were a lot of women talking. Something about planning a celebration dinner later that night before Rachel and Audrey had to fly back to New York. Holt didn’t quite follow the exchange, but he figured someone would tell him where to be when, and he’d just show up and be okay.

The front door burst open, banging back against the wall.

“Holt Christopher Steele, you’ve got some serious explaining to do!”

Everybody turned toward the tattooed brunette with purple streaks in her hair and a ferocious scowl on her face. As she stalked forward, hands curled to fists, people backed away, eying her nervously. Spotting him through the pass-thru, she made a beeline for the kitchen door, shoving it open and marching inside.

“Not only did you freaking elope without bothering to tell me, but I had to hear it from Cash Grantham instead of you! What do you have to say for yourself?”

He sighed in resignation. “Hi, sis.”

Face a thundercloud, she poked him in the chest. “Don’t you ‘Hi, sis’ me, you little shit.”

Knowing there was only one way to deal with her, Holt bent and scooped her up, tossing her over his shoulder. “That’s big shit to you.”

Hadley shrieked and pounded his back. “Put me down, you oaf!”

“Not until you say it.”


“Fine.” He strode over and made as if to dump her in the trash can.

“Okay! Okay! Youarebigbrothersupreme!” Her shriek transitioned to an outright cackle as he flipped her back over and set her on her feet.

Holt was grinning as he absorbed her semi-tackle hug. “Hey, Squirt.”

“Good to see you, Jerkface. I could have done without that particular walk down memory lane.”

He caught her in a headlock. “Just be glad you’re too tall for me to dangle by the ankles anymore. Now come meet the woman you’re chewing my ass over.”

Hadley gave him a none-too-soft punch in the kidneys, exactly as he’d taught her, and straightened, all good cheer as she glanced between Audrey, Cayla, and Rachel. “So which one of you married my uncommunicative brother?”

Audrey and Rachel pointed at a wide-eyed Cayla, who raised her hand.

Hadley barreled toward her, wrapping her in an enthusiastic hug. “I’m Hadley. Your sister-in-law. And I really hope this dumbass let you know I existed.”

Cayla linked her arm through his sister’s, arching a brow in his direction. “I feel like you and I have a lot to talk about.”

As they both gave him the side-eye, Holt understood he was in big trouble.

* * *

“I have a niece?”Hadley’s voice was bright with excitement as she studied the photos on the wall.

That instant willingness to consider Maddie family had some of Cayla’s nerves evaporating. “She’s five.”

“She’s adorable.”

Trailed by Banana Bread, Hadley continued to wander, gaze roving over the new photos Cayla had added to the collection over the past couple of weeks. Initially, it had been part of keeping up the image of a happy little family. But she’d enjoyed documenting how Holt had slid so seamlessly into their life, and she loved seeing his little flashes of surprise when he found them.

His sister picked up the one Misty had taken of their first dance. “I’m sorry I missed the wedding.”

“It was small and fast. That was from our Hey, we eloped! party.”

She set the picture down. “Why did you elope? Not a fan of big weddings?”

Cayla laughed. “I’m actually an event planner. Big weddings are kind of my jam. But I did that once already, and it ended badly. Something different this go round seemed sensible.”

“Mmm.” Hadley didn’t have nearly the poker face her brother did. She was clearly trying to work her way around to something. Probably a polite way to ask what the hell they’d been thinking. Cayla couldn’t blame her for that. Holt was, as far as she knew, Hadley’s only remaining family. It made sense that she’d be protective of him.

“You don’t approve.”

Tags: Kait Nolan Romance