‘It’s free... For now, but don’t tempt me.’ The door began to close before she added. ‘I’ve lit a fire in the living room, so you can sit in there once you’re decent until the cocoa is ready.’

His smile sharpened as the door snapped shut, his usual confidence when it came to women, and especially this woman, finally returning full-force.

Decent? Is that really what you want? I don’t think so, Red. Not from the way your eyes darkened as soon as you spotted me on your doorstep.

Maybe she had a more volatile effect on him than any woman he’d ever dated, but that didn’t have to be a bad thing. When was the last time a woman had challenged him? Or made him ache, for that matter, for four solid weeks—enough to have him tracking her all the way to the wilds of North Wales and trashing his favourite suit?

Perhaps his obsession with her was much more straightforward than he had originally assumed. And just as easily remedied.

After tying the belt on the ridiculous robe, he found the ammonia-based ointment in the cabinet and began dabbing it on the bites on his face and neck, surprised when the angry swelling stopped itching.

The grin widened as he touched the robe’s frou-frou frills. No doubt Katherine had supplied him with this sartorial disaster to threaten his masculinity.

Yeah, good luck with that, Red!

It would take much more than donning a second-hand dressing gown to put a dent in Jack Wolfe’s ego. And he intended to make sure Katherine Medford found that out the hard way...

He chuckled. Pun fully intended.

Tags: Heidi Rice Billionaire Romance