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It’s our three-month anniversary and things are still going wonderfully for me. As for Daddy’s business, everything seems great. His office in the house has large monitors hooked up for video calls and everything seems to be going really well. I don’t know how in the world we manage to somehow work toward our goals while also developing our relationships, but we do.

We even have time for roleplay, where I dress up like a younger version of myself. I get spankings. I show him my princess parts. I… well, we do a lot of wonderful things. There are times on my day off when I just sit in my little room and slide right into little space in the most wonderful way possible. I get there and it sometimes feels like I can stay there all day long. I don’t know how in the world life can be this good.

And today, I have great news.

That’s why I run out of my apartment and down the stairs like a complete maniac, throw open the door, and run into the house. Daddy is just walking from the living room toward his office. “Daddy!” I shout as I run and jump into his arms. “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”

He catches me with a laugh and holds me as I kiss him all over his face. “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” I say again.

He finally sets me down and says, “Well, are you here to remind me I promised to take you to dinner for our three-month anniversary, little girl.”

I blush and say, “Thank you for remembering Daddy, but that’s not why I’m here.”

“Okay, princess,” he says. I feel myself blush like crazy. I think I like princess best of all the things he calls me. “Why are you here.”

“I’m getting the loan right now!” I scream and there’s another few minutes of jumping into his arms and kissing him all over his face again.

When I finally stop, he grabs my hand, leads me to his office, sits me down, and says, “I’m so proud of you. You must be working really hard to already have your fifteen thousand!”

I shake my head. “No, Daddy! One of the lenders I’ve been planning with sent me an email. There’s a new land program so I can get the land with only eight percent down! It’s only a thousand bucks different in the interest payments over the life of the whole loan, and that makes sense.”

“Remember what I said, princess?”

I nod proudly. “Do the work and luck drops by to help a little.”

“I know about the new programs,” I say. “Low-down non-traditional deals have been in the works for a while now. When do you sign?”

“The documents will be here today!” Naturally, that leads to a whole new session of me kissing him all over his face. Eventually, I jump off his lap and say, “Okay, Daddy! I’ll let you work.” Then I turn around and run out of his office right to my little space room.

And, as though my legs aren’t going to let me end things with that, I run right back. He’s just started turning his chair back to face his computer when he sees me and turns it back. I leap onto his lap and though the moment is entirely unplanned, I say, “I love you, Daddy!” It’s a good thing I kiss him right after because with my lips against his and my tongue in his mouth, I don’t verbally react to the fact that I just declared my love for him.

Of course, my mind runs like a freight train barreling right toward panic. Have I just set our relationship careening over a cliff?

I kiss him for a long time and with a great deal of urgency, as though if I can just delay his ability to speak, I will somehow be able to avoid the awkwardness of the moment. If I can just keep our tongues sliding slickly over each other’s, I won’t have to be devastated by his response or, worse, if he doesn’t respond.

But eventually, the kiss ends.

He caresses my cheek and says, “I love you too, my little princess. More than you’ll ever know.” It’s such an overpowering thing that I feel like I might manage awkwardly, better! I just collapse against him silently, resting my head against his chest and feeling utter, wonderfully overwhelmed. I don’t know how long I remain there but he finally lifts me off and sets me on my feet in front of him. He smiles and says, “and now, little girl…” He turns me around and says, “you have to let me work.” He lands a firm spank on my ass and I yelp and run from his office, squealing.

I think I’m already in little space before I ever reach my room. I plop down on my big bean bag, and it’s just wonderful. I mean, my mind is filled with nothing but happiness and I find myself almost floating in giggly joy. My dream is coming to fruition ahead of schedule and a whole new dream that is only now clear to me is right here in front of me and already come true! I feel silly and giggly and happy and I grab my stuffed animals one by one, kissing each.

“Guess what, Mr. Elephant! Everything’s wonderful!”

“Teddy! Life is perfect!”

“Long-neck McGiraffeee! I’m so happy!”

I get through all seven of them within grabbing distance, and life feels absolutely beautiful. Finally, I realize I don’t want to miss the overnight driver when he arrives so I get up and make my way up to my little studio apartment. I actually skip to the stares and take them two at a time. When I get in front of the door, my heart leaps because the package is already there!

I grab it and rush inside, falling into a giggling fit as I sit at my little table and pull open the cardboard tab that opens the envelope. I pull out the thick stack of paper, still giggling. I look at the cover letter and as I read my smile gets bigger and bigger.

But then I see something.

I check again.

It can’t be true.

I look again and try to convince myself that I’m wrong.

I’m not wrong; I’m right.

Oh my God, I’m right.

I drop the letter to the table and stare at nothing for a minute or two. Then, I get up and slowly walk to the bed. When I get there, I collapse into tears.

Tags: Jess Winters Erotic