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“Enough.” Cross pushed to his feet. “My client won an appeal, which reduced his manslaughter conviction to a misdemeanor. He already spent time in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. Are you trying to railroad him, Deputy Kane?”

“The evidence against him is substantial and I’ll be holding him here until the completion of the search warrants.” Kane stood. “June Harris is still missing and Mr. Adams is the last person to have seen the couple alive. Then we have the invasion of Sheriff Alton’s ranch. A man fitting his description was seen at the premises, a man with size-twelve shoes, same as your client. Mr. Adams has admitted meeting June and Payton Harris at Aunt Betty’s Café, and we have him on CCTV wearing the same outfit. Your client cannot sufficiently account for his whereabouts at the time of both crimes; he has no alibis.” He kept his gaze on Cross. “I’ll be presenting all our evidence to the DA and will be seeking an arrest warrant.” He turned to Adams. “Is there anything you have to say on record before I conclude this interview?”

“Nope.” Adams shrugged. “You won’t find anything in my truck or home. June and Payton never went near them. You’re wasting your time. I’m innocent.”

Kane nodded. “Very well. The interview is concluded.” He gave the time and date, switched off the recording device, and turned to Cross. “Do you want more time with your client?”

“No.” Cross looked at Adams. “Deputy Kane is within his rights to hold you for questioning. I’ll do whatever I can to have you released. Hang in there.”

After swiping his card to let Sam Cross from the interview room. Kane dropped his iPad and notebook on the table in the hallway and held the door open for Adams. “I’ll take you down to the cells. I’ll arrange a meal for you. Do you have any food allergies?”

“Nope. How long is this going to take?” Adams wasn’t backing down. “I have a job. I’ll need to call in and have them find a replacement for my shift.”

“I’ll call the nursing home and tell them you’ve been detained.” Kane waved him down a set of stairs leading to the cells. “Do you have any livestock that needs tending?”

“Nope.” Adams moved into the cell and turned and looked at Kane. “I admire your tenacity, Deputy, and I know you and the sheriff have this big reputation for hunting down the bad guys, but if you try and pin this on me, you won’t win. You see, I never lose.”

Kane snorted. “Really, that’s funny coming from a guy who spent time in county.”

“Yeah, but I’m out now.” Adams sneered at him. “Things usually turn around in my favor.”

As the gate slid shut, Kane stared at him. “Not this time.”


Nerves on edge and holding her weapon high, Jenna backed out of the alleyway, relieved to be under the street lights. As she turned, an elderly couple stopped and raised their hands. She stared at their alarmed expressions and quickly holstered her weapon. “I’m so sorry to alarm you. I thought I heard something, but everything is fine.” She waved them past her and they hurried on their way.

She glanced down at Duke, who was still staring down the alleyway. “So, it wasn’t my imagination, you saw him too.”

Her phone chimed, startling her already shattered nerves, but it was Kane’s ringtone and she juggled the bags and accepted his call. “Yeah, Dave, what’s up?”

“Nothing to worry about. We’re keeping Adams overnight. I’ve ordered a meal for him from Aunt Betty’s. If you’re close by, can you grab it on your way home?” He paused a beat. “You sound a little uptight, is everything okay?”

“Not really.” Jenna sucked in a deep breath to steady her nerves. “There was a man in the alleyway dressed the same as the intruder on my ranch. I know you think I get this way around Halloween, but Duke was whining and he had his hackles up. He must have seen him too.”

“Maybe.” Kane didn’t sound convinced. “Duke would be on alert if you’re spooked too. I figure he’d bark if he could see a threat. Did you do a search?”

A cold chill spilled over Jenna the second she glanced back down the dark alleyway. It would seem the decorative gaslight was little more than a prop. “I didn’t have a flashlight. I left my duty belt in the office.” She needed to explain what had spooked her. “I had no idea what I was facing, Dave, and with only Duke for backup, I called out and walked some way down the alleyway pointing my weapon. I didn’t see anyone. It was as if the man had vanished like smoke.”

“Could you ID him if you saw him again?”

Jenna chewed on her bottom lip. “The mist has rolled in off the river and I couldn’t see him clearly, but he sure looked like Adams, the same hat and slicker.” She took a deep breath and started toward Aunt Betty’s cheerful fluorescent lights. “Then as I got to the end of the alley, I swear I heard someone laughing.”

“How far are you from Aunt Betty’s?” The sound of footsteps on tile came through the speaker. Kane was on the move.

Jenna crossed the road at the end of the block. Main Street looked strangely empty and the mist only added to the eeriness of the macabre decorations. It was so quiet, not a vehicle in sight, and apart from the old couple, the sidewalk was empty. It had become full dark since she left the alleyway. “I’m passing the gun store now.”

“Wait outside Aunt Betty’s. I’ll be there in five.” Kane disconnected before she could reply.

People spilled out of Aunt Betty’s chatting, and it seemed as if the sound had been turned back on. They hurried to parked vehicles and their headlights cut through the mist as they headed down Main. As she reached the entrance, she could hear the roar of the Beast’s engine and she couldn’t push down the surge of relief at seeing Kane’s truck appear out of the gloom and pull in to the curb outside Aunt Betty’s Café. She quickened her pace and pulled open the door to dump her bags inside. “You didn’t have to rush out. I’m fine.”

“I know you are.” Kane smiled at her. “I figured someone else walking down that alleyway might not be so fine if someone is hanging out down there. It might just be a Halloween prank but I think we should go look.”

Jenna bundled Duke into the back of the truck, attached his harness, and then climbed in the front. “Sure. I didn’t think it could be a prank. After the break-in, my nerves are on edge.”

“Well, all the better if we put your mind at rest.” Kane turned the Beast away from the curb and drove to the entrance of the alleyway. “This one?”

Jenna nodded. “Yeah.” She climbed out and drew her weapon.

Tags: D.K. Hood Mystery