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“Not really.” Kane strolled up behind them as quiet as a mouse. “Often your gut instinct will help, and as you go along your intuition and ability to read a person gets stronger. You are doing just fine. Learn all the angles and everything will fall into place.”

Jenna turned as the girls came bounding back down the passageway bundled up in coats, hats and gloves. “I see you’re ready to go.” She turned back as Wolfe strolled toward her. “Give me a call when you’re done and we’ll bring them home. If we obtain a search warrant we’re heading out to interview Knox in Blackwater.”

“If you’re doing a forensic sweep of the room, try to obtain a DNA sample from Knox as well. I’ll get a full forensics kit together and you can pick it up when you drop the girls home.” Wolfe rubbed his chin

. “Find out when the room was cleaned last; if he is a resident, it might have been a while. We may hit pay dirt.”

“That’s a great idea.” Jenna turned to go. “Come on, girls, the horses are waiting.”


Under the sedation, Olivia fought to stay awake. Gripped in fear, she shook her head, willing her drooping eyelids to remain open. A tremble of terror shuddered through her and the adrenaline coursing through her veins brought her awake. She gulped in huge deep breaths and turned her head to look at Doug in the next bed. His pale face rested peacefully on the stark white pillow. A large bruise extended from temple to cheek. He had tubes attached all over, including one coming from his mouth. The machine beside his bed made a breathing sound and she bit back a sob. The crazy people here had put him on a ventilator, which could only mean he could no longer breathe on his own. The memory of their attempted escape drifted into her mind in pieces. She remembered finding the exit out of this hellhole and Doug lifting his hands to fight. Oh Lord, Jim had rammed him with the gurney then hit him with something heavy and Doug had collapsed in a heap on the floor.

Panic gripped her at the sound of voices from the hallway. She kicked her legs, wanting to run away, but the restraints held her firmly in place. She took a few steadying breaths, then shut her eyes, leaving them open a slit to peer out under her lashes. The only way she had a chance of discovering Jim’s plans would be to pretend to be asleep and listen. The machine had picked up her racing heartbeat and she willed her body to relax. The doors swung open and Jim and the nurse strolled inside.

“Why is her heartbeat so fast?” Jim came close to the bed and she could smell him. “What does that mean?”

“You keep her drugged all the time, her blood pressure is way too low and she’s dying of starvation.” The nurse placed an oxygen mask over her face. “How much longer are you planning on keeping her?”

“Not long.” Jim cleared his throat. “Although I would like to keep her a bit longer.”

“She’ll die soon.” The nurse went about adjusting drips. “I’m turning off the meds for a while. Her organs will start to deteriorate, then she’ll be no use to anyone.” He moved to Doug’s bedside and Jim followed. “Are you really willing to risk losing all those orders?”

“Her organs will be fine.” Jim snorted. “As long as her heart is pumping, she is viable as a donor.” He leaned over Doug. “This one is gonna make me a fortune.”

What did he say? I’m not an organ donor. Horrified, Olivia clamped her jaw shut in an effort not to scream. Trembling with effort, she kept her breathing slow and steady. Oh, dear God, they’re going to harvest my organs.

“Doug’s surgery will be scheduled on Tuesday and we’ll do Olivia when I can confirm the orders.” Jim’s voice became sullen. “Damn cops are everywhere and I can’t risk bringin’ any new subjects here for a while. With the media hype everyone in town is under suspicion, so we’ll have to lay low until the melt.” He headed for the door. “When Olivia leaves, I want this place emptied and bleached from top to bottom. They have nothin’ on us and I’m not plannin’ on them findin’ anythin’ should they get it into their heads to search my premises.”

As the footsteps faded, Olivia tore at her restraints until her bandaged wrists bled. She thumped her head on the pillow and screamed until she was hoarse. The door to the room opened and Jim strolled inside and stared at her. She swallowed the fear and scowled at him.

“What’s wrong, Olivia?” He moved closer and grinned. “Just found out we’re gonna cut out your kidneys without anesthetic?”

Anger raged through her. She whipped her head around, lifting her shoulders off the bed. “You murdering son-of-a-bitch.” She spat at him and watched the spittle run down the front of his hospital scrubs.

“There’s nothin’ you can do, Olivia.” Jim’s eyes had turned into dark slits. “I’ll enjoy watchin’ you taken apart piece by piece, then I get to have my fun.” He chuckled. “Spit at me all you like. I’m not plannin’ on killin’ you yet. You have at least another day to enjoy my company but it’s coming soon, Olivia. I have a buyer for just about all of you. You’re worth your weight in gold.”

Shaking with terror and disgust, Olivia glared at him. “I hope you rot in hell.”

“Darlin’—” Jim swaggered to the door. “—I’m already there.”


Jenna handed Anna up to Kane and he tucked the girl against his chest and smiled down at her. “Be careful. Are you sure you should be riding bareback with her?”

“Yeah.” Kane held Anna around the waist and clicked his tongue. “See you in a little while.” His horse moved off down the dirt road with Julie riding Lady by his side.

The cellphone in Jenna’s pocket chimed and she hurried up the front steps and into the warmth of her house. The cookies in the oven filled the house with a comforting aroma and she accepted the call and walked into the kitchen. “Sheriff Alton.”

“Oh, this is Daisy Lars out at the Two Trees Ranch. My husband Stan called me before and mentioned seein’ the local tow truck driver, Chuck Burns, headin’ through town last Friday night around one with a yellow car hitched to his truck. As the man on the TV insisted any information was confidential, I decided to call as Stan won’t be back in town for a few days yet, been held up with the weather in Helena.”

Jenna grabbed a pen and notepad from beside the landline and made notes. “How come he didn’t call you before?”

“He didn’t know about the missin’ people until I mentioned it. He’s been on the road for a week now. He drives a truck for Mackenzie.” Daisy cleared her throat. “I was tellin’ him how nobody’s safe around here anymore and he remembered seein’ the car.”

“I understand. Do you have a number where I can reach your husband, Mrs. Lars, and your contact details as well?”

Mrs. Lars related the information and Jenna took it down. “Do you know Chuck Burns?”

Tags: D.K. Hood Mystery