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“And if we keep having boys.”

“Sucks for you then, ‘cause we keep tryin, babe. I want a girl.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “One just like her mama.”

“I love you,” she whispered, filled with emotion for this man who could always tease her out of a melancholy mood.

Crash got a mischievous look on his face and rolled over, settling Shannon on top to straddle him as he taunted, “Prove it, Princess.”

“I thought you had to leave.” Her eyes moved to the pack he’d tossed on the bed. He’d been stuffing a change of clothes in it earlier.

He smiled up at her and smacked her lightly on the ass. “I do, so shut up and let’s get busy, woman.”

Shannon grinned down at him. “Yes, sir.”


Later that morning, after Crash had left, Shannon sat at the kitchen island, drinking coffee with Angel, who had come over to cheer her up. She stared at the calendar that she had taped to the refrigerator. The one she used to keep track of her cycle. And then she frowned as her eyes focused in on Saturday’s date, and she straightened.

“This weekend is Crystal’s birthday. Have you talked to her?”

“Not in a while,” Angel replied sipping her coffee. “She’s working as a receptionist at a tattoo shop in Grand Junction, Colorado.”

“Oh, really? How is she doing?”

Angel shrugged. “After she lost the baby, she was kind of depressed for a while. She always put on a brave front when I talked to her, but I knew she was hurting. I should have gone out there and visited her then, but Brayden was sick with those ear infections and, well, I just never went.”

Shannon nodded. “I can only imagine how she felt losing the baby.”

“She wasn’t very far along, but still, it hit her pretty hard.”

“I miss her. It’s hard when she’s so far away.”

“We should go see her,” Angel suggested.

Shannon thought a moment, and then said with a sly smile, “I’ve got a better idea.”

“What’s that?”

“The boys are all out of town this weekend. Crash said they’d be gone at least three days.” The wheels started turning.

“Yes. So?” Angel cocked her head at Shannon. “You’re getting that look in your eyes. What are you planning?”

“I need to be cheered up. All this trying at baby-making has taken its toll. And since I’m not pregnant, I’m going to drink this weekend. So, I was thinking…”


“With the boys out of town, maybe this is the perfect opportunity for a girl’s weekend. And since its Crystal’s birthday…”


“I’m thinking Vegas.”

“Vegas? I don’t know, Shannon. I’m not sure I can swing that. Vegas can get expensive.”

“My treat. I’ll pay for everyone’s rooms. And I bet I can get the company jet. Even with my father gone, my mother is still on the Board of Directors. I’m sure she’d let us use it. You, me, Mary, Crystal and maybe Natalie if she wants to go.”

“You’re serious?”

“Absolutely. Who can you get to watch the kids?”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic