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“What’s wrong?” he asked.

She looked up at him and tears filled her eyes.

“Hey, hey. What’s this all about?” He pulled her into his arms. She buried her face in his chest. He could feel her shake as the sobs took over. He led her into his room and sat on the bed, pulling her down next to him.

She brushed at the tears and looked up at him. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I just need to let it out.”

“What’s going on? Tell me.” He stared at her, waiting.

She looked at him. It was so hard to even get the words out. She took a breath. “The doctor is talking about putting Melissa on a feeding tube.”

“My God. It’s gotten to that?” Cole murmured.

She nodded. “If she doesn’t start eating more and keeping it down. He was talking about starting the day after tomorrow, if nothing changes.”

“I’m sorry, baby. I know watching her deal with this, her being so sick, I know its killing you.”

She looked away and nodded. She stood and walked over to the sliding glass doors that led to the backyard. She pulled the drape aside and looked out. There was a big full moon.

“Is there anything we can do?” Cole asked as he joined her.

She shook her head.

“Come here,” he said, pulling her into his arms.

She went willingly.

He held her for a long time, his hand rubbing up and down her back. “It’s gonna be okay. It’s all gonna be okay.”

“I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered.

“I’ll be here as long as you need me, baby.”

She pulled back and looked up at him. Did he mean it? And when would she ever not need him? Would he stay that long? She studied his face. How had she ever come to need him so much? This biker who could be as gentle with her as if she were precious china.

His gaze slid over her face, stopping on her mouth, and then he lowered his head and his mouth closed over hers. His hands came up and held her face. He deepened the kiss.

Angel responded, needing this, wanting this. Her arms slid around him.

He kissed her again and again. Soon it wasn’t enough. He wanted more. God help him, he needed more. He couldn’t stop himself from walking her backward until her legs hit the bed, and he pushed her down on top of it. He knew it was wrong—taking advantage of her like this, at her weak point, knowing she needed him and using it to get what he wanted. He knew he was a bastard, but that wasn’t going to stop him. Not now. Not this time.


He hoped she’d forgive him.

Angel wanted him. She needed to forget for a while. She knew her problems would be waiting for her when this was done, but for right now, she just needed to forget them. She needed him to make her forget.

His right hand reached for her top button. His fingers working it free, and patiently, expertly working their way down the front of the dress she wore. His mouth moved from hers to trail down her neck as his hands pulled her dress open. He slid down her body, his mouth pressing kisses over her stomach. He pushed the dress off her shoulders.

She sat up, pulling it free.

His hands came around her and had her out of her bra. He pushed her back down, covering her with his body.

She felt the cold metal of his belt buckle pressing against her stomach. She reached for the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it up. She tossed it aside as his bare chest came down on hers, and a low purr sounded in the back of her throat as his mouth closed over hers. Her hands trailed gently over his back and down along his ribs. She slid her hands between them, reaching for his belt.

He rose up on his elbows, staring down into her eyes as her hands unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans.

The sound of glass breaking filled the room. Cole stopped all motion, his body coming alert. He rose up a few inches, his head tilted, listening. He heard a car door open out in the carport.

“What was that?” she whispered.

He lifted off her, fastening his jeans. He picked up his gun from the bedside table and pulled the slide back, loading a bullet into the chamber.

Angel sat up, pulling her dress back on.

Cole looked down at her and ordered, “Stay here.”

She watched as he slowly opened the sliding door and disappeared, leaving it open. The curtain blew softly in the breeze. Angel stood, buttoning her dress and moved to the curtain. Pulling it aside, she peeked outside.

Cole crept around the corner of the house and through the gate to the carport. He saw a shadowy figure leaning into the open door of Natalie’s car.

“Freeze, asshole,” Cole said softly.

The guy stepped back, seeing Cole standing there pointing the gun at him. Cole had a brief impression that this was a teenager, before the guy turned and ran toward the front yard. Cole dashed after him, firing off a couple of shots over his head. He knew better than to shoot a man in the back. Still the kid kept running. Cole stopped at the end of the driveway, watching him sprint down the street. Hopefully it was enough to scare him off and keep him from ever coming back.

Angel jumped when she heard the two shots. She ran out the door and around the corner into the carport.

Cole heard the footsteps behind him and spun around, startled, leveling the gun on her. “Christ, Angel!” He lowered the gun when he saw it was her.

She stopped short, her breath catching in her throat when she realized she’d startled Cole and he’d almost shot her.

He walked toward her. “I told you to stay inside.”

She glanced down at the broken glass and saw the shattered window of Natalie’s car. “Oh, my God.”


“Someone was trying to steal the car?”

“Probably just after the stereo or whatever he could find inside.” Cole slammed the car door shut.

The outside lights all came on, and Natalie opened the front door. She saw them. “What’s going on? I heard gunshots. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. We’re fine. Someone tried to break into your car, though,” Cole told her.

Natalie came outside and rushed over to them. She saw the damage.

“You should call the police. File a report. I’m sure they won’t be able to catch the guy, but you’ll need the report for your insurance.”

Natalie nodded and looked at the gun in Cole’s hand.

He saw the scared look in her eyes. “You okay?” he asked her.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic