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“I don’t know. I don’t know.”

“It’s too big for I don’t knows, baby.” His open mouth travels up the center of my bottom, his teeth nipping at the small of my back. “You want to get off without the guilt of letting me help? Then touch yourself, Naomi. I’ll even let you pretend afterward that I had nothing to do with satisfying that pussy.” He tucks my backside into the cradle of his hips, giving me a hard, punctuated thrust. “We’re just two people accidentally fucking ourselves in the same place at the same time.”

Lust blankets my brain, my world, my senses, and I can do nothing, nothing in the wake of those sexual words but touch myself. I brace myself with my left hand and slide the fingers of my right into my panties, whimpering when I make contact with my swollen clit.

“Fuck, baby. Fuck. Good girl.” I hear the wet strokes of Jason’s hand up and down his erection, faster than when I walked into the room, accompanied by guttural grunts. “Let me pull your panties down so I can see, woman. Woman, please.”

Woman. So base. So elemental. My answer is a moan and cool air greets my cheeks, carrying a heightened awareness of our positions. I’m facedown on the bed, this insanely strong male masturbating to the sight of me. Watching the desperate fondling of my fingers against my clit up close. Abusing his flesh harder and harder the closer I get to orgasm. Lord oh lord oh lord. It’s decadently sinful. I couldn’t have conjured a scene like this in my wildest fantasies and I wonder if I’ve been living at all. I’ve definitely never needed to climax so badly my thighs trembled, like they’re doing now.

“Put a finger in that gorgeous pussy and make my fucking life,” Jason says unevenly, instinct telling me he’s close. Just as close as I am. “Go on, baby. Let me see it disappear into that pretty pink slit.”

I’m sexy. I’m ruinous. I’m a goddess in that moment. With a curl of my mouth, I invade myself with a finger, rolling my eyes back in my head. The rush of sensation that has been gathering inside me pops and I wail for God into the bedclothes, my body jerking as it is pummeled by spasms. One right after the other. Wetness lands on the backs of my thighs, my bottom, the strangled groans of the man behind me like the crescendo of a symphony. I reel hard, my lungs seizing as I draw frantic breaths, my lower body continuing to be a battleground for fulfillment and greed. More?

Yes, I want more. I want him inside me, filling me, gratifying both of us.

Another more startling realization is that I want him to gather me close and be my anchor just as badly. To hold me, rock me, fall asleep beside me. I want to forget the obligations I put on hold, let them become distant memories. That realization is what sends me flying back into the present where I’ve fallen limply to Jason’s bed, my panties bunched mid-thigh, the product of his hunger drying on my backside.

I start to stand, stopping and closing my eyes as Jason dries me off with a towel and gently lifts my panties into place. Our breathing is still harsh in the sealed room, and Lord help me, the sound is already getting me turned on again. I have to get out of here before I’m tempted to turn this moment of weakness into a recurring mistake.

Keeping my features schooled, I straighten, letting my dress flutter down around my thighs. “I-I…well…as I said, I thought you were injured—”

His rumble of humorless laughter cuts me off. “Like I said, we were just two people getting off at the same place, same time.” His tongue presses to the inside of his cheek as he takes a step closer, close enough that the backs of my knees hit the bed. Warm breath ghosts over my face, a mixture of coffee and cigars. “Any time you want to accidentally make me come so hard that I can’t see straight again, baby, I’ll be right here waiting.”

I walk out of the house in a trance on legs made of jelly. How am I supposed to get a moment’s rest with that offer on the table? Ignore it, Naomi.

Before I walk into my apartment, I look back toward the house and find Jason watching me from his bedroom window. Ignore anything relating to Jason?

Easier said than done.


Username: LittleMissMorbid

So, okay. Without getting too dark, has anyone tried checking the walls of the church for a body?


Today’s dive was an easy one. My group was experienced and didn’t need a lot of guidance, just someone to take them out on the water. I’m not talkative on my best day, so it’s a good thing the four men only needed a basic outline of the underwater landscape before dropping in with the instructions to be back at the boat within thirty minutes. If they were new divers, I would have brought a crew member to monitor oxygen levels from the boat while I joined the divers, but their experience let me remain solo in the boat today.

Tags: Tessa Bailey Girl Erotic