Page 82 of Flash Point

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Zeke drew in a slow breath,held it, and released the drawstring.

His arrow cut through the thin layer of early morning mist and struck the outer ring of the bull’s-eye fifty yards away.

After his disastrous attempt to clear his mind last night, he’d decided to see if he’d have more success at the range than the chapel. The simple repetitive motion of flinging arrows downrange never failed to put him in a meditative state.

Plus, he was far enough away from the house to guarantee no fire-haired beauty would make a surprise visit.

All night, his thoughts teeter-tottered between the scorching kiss he’d shared with Liv and the moment at her vehicle when her expression had clouded upon seeing Brodie in his arms. Had she been afraid he would drop the boy? No, she would have been at his heels, ordering him to do this or that.

A potentially scraped knee wasn’t what had made tears glisten in her eyes. Something deeper, something far more injurious to the heart had held her immobile in an emotional chokehold.

He could think of only one reason, one person who could cause such a reaction.


Brodie’s dad. Her husband. Taken from them in a tragic, horrific accident. Too soon.

His next arrow sailed wide.

Nocking another one, he anchored the drawstring against his cheekbone, drew in three long, controlled breaths, and on the final exhale, released.

The arrow hit the target.

He fired off several more, each one more precise than the last. As he prepared to send another flying, a faint shuffle behind him snagged his attention.

Biting back a curse, he lowered his bow. “Can’t this wait another fifteen minutes?” He turned to deliver a blistering stare to whichever brother dared to intrude. Only it wasn’t one of his kin nosing into his sanctuary.

Still wearing his pajamas, Brodie Westcott hovered near a thick tree trunk. He must have heard Zeke pass by his room and followed him.

Zeke wiped the scowl from his face and attempted a welcoming smile. “Morning. You’re up early.”


“Does your mom know you’re here?”

A short, negative shake.

“Have you ever shot a bow and arrow before?”

Another shake.

“Interested in trying?”

The boy eyed the compound bow’s cams and cables.

“Not this one.” He pointed to a ten-by-fifteen secured building where they kept their range supplies. “I have another bow more your size and experience.” He refrained from telling him that Sadie used it, knowing how sensitive boys could be about such things.

Brodie nodded.

“Come with me and we’ll get you outfitted.”

The command seemed to break through the boy’s shyness. He smiled and joined Zeke for the short walk to the range building. Zeke shot Liv a text, not wanting her to worry if she woke up early and found her son missing.

By the time they reached their destination, Zeke had shrugged off his irritation at being interrupted and focused on taking advantage of this opportunity to get to know Liv’s son.

Other than at the dinner table, he hadn’t crossed paths with the boy since Liv’s arrival and found himself wondering about this piece of her life.

Tags: Tracey Devlyn Paranormal