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Gerald didn’t mention to Abigail that he wouldn’t be surprised if Oliver had set his sights on furthering his career beyond being a local MP to becoming a member of the Cabinet. It would mean a move back to London in the future. But for now, that was just one possibility. Wherever their lives took them, Gerald was just relieved that after all the heartache of losing Toby, Abigail had found love a second time round and had a future with the man she loved.

He saw his soon-to-be son-in-law standing at the altar, casting a nervous glance their way.

‘You know, I think he was worried you wouldn’t turn up.’

Abigail glanced at Gerald. She knew what he was talking about. At first, she wasn’t sure she wanted to have the wedding there. She’d been taken aback when Oliver told her he wanted to get married in the very place he had sworn he would never set foot again.

Abigail recalled the conversation she’d had with Oliver when he’d proposed, on bended knee in the cottage, surprising her by suggesting they get married at Somerville Hall. ‘What happened to never setting foot in the Hall again?’ she’d asked him.

‘I guess technically I’m not, because the wedding is outside,’ Oliver had quipped.

Abigail smiled at Gerald. ‘I think he was surprised I agreed to his request to have the wedding here. But I do understand. Although he would never return to live in the Hall, he grew up with the Somervilles. This was still his childhood home, after all. And this is where he wanted to take his marriage vows and mark the beginning of his new life with me.’

Penelope was waiting in the driveway, with tin cans tied to her bumper, and a banner,Just Married,taped across her back windscreen, ready for their swift exit from the Hall after the wedding reception.

Gerald smiled. ‘It all makes sense to me.’

She smiled. ‘Me too.’

‘Are we doing this, then?’

Abigail clasped his arm. ‘Oh, yes.’ Her smile faltered when she turned to face the altar.

There was the sound of oohing and aahing from the guests as they turned in their seats to get a first glimpse of the bride.

Lili stepped in front of Abigail and handed her the bouquet. She caught a look on her face. ‘Are you okay?’

‘Yes.’ She breathed. ‘Just a bit nervous.’

‘I’m more nervous the second time round, and I have no idea why.’ Gerald patted her arm. ‘I know the feeling.’

Lili smiled at her. ‘You could say that perhaps this is fate; you were meant to be with Oliver all along. If they hadn’t been switched at birth, it would have been Oliver you met and married in the first place.’

‘Yes, but then I wouldn’t be having Toby’s beautiful baby boy.’

‘I’ve been so lucky to meet another man and fall in love, but you’re right, Lili.’

Lili smiled at Abigail. Her eyes drifted to her dress. They couldn’t fail to. The dress was stunning, but it wasn’t the wedding dress that was going to capture everyone’s attention when she walked down the aisle. It was the baby bump. Lili had heard the rumour mill at Somerville Hall. Everyone already knew Abigail was pregnant; they were calling it a shotgun wedding. Of course, it wasn’t. If that had been the case, they would have married three months earlier in a registry office as soon as they’d got back together, which wasn’t long after Oliver moved in with Albert.

Abigail had called Lili on her landline the night that everything had been revealed, and Lili had made the journey through the October storm to see her in the cottage. She had stayed overnight, and they had talked into the early hours, Abigail telling Lili everything that had happened.

Lili hadn’t been all that surprised that Oliver had left the Hall – he’d never appeared particularly happy in his role as the soon-to-be Lord Somerville. And she wasn’t surprised it had turned out he wasn’t Hugh’s son. She’d seen the movie reel. He looked like his father, Albert. And the family resemblance to Joss, his cousin, was unmistakable.

It wasn’t long afterwards that she’d got another call. Abigail and Oliver were back together, and they were planning their wedding.

Lili cast her gaze around the guests. Despite the rumours that they were getting married on purpose before the baby was born, she knew that wasn’t it at all; they could have waited. Abigail had told her the reason they were marrying straight away; it wasn’t for Bertie. Unlike his father, Toby, her child would grow up knowing from the start the truth about his parentage. Oliver would be a doting stepdad to him, just as Gerald had been for Abigail, but Toby would always be his father.

The truth was that they were marrying straight away because Abigail believed there was no time like the present. She’d told Lili that if Toby’s loss had taught her anything, it was how important it was to live in the moment and make the most of the precious time you have. ‘If not now – when?’ Abigail had told her.

Lili smiled at her. ‘Are you ready?’

‘Are you?’

Lili handed her the bouquet, smiling at Abigail’s question. Lili glanced at the engagement ring on her own finger, thinking of the conversation she’d had with Nate, recounting what Abigail had told her about how time was so precious. He’d proposed soon after that, and they were planning their own wedding. She thought, like Abigail, that she’d have her wedding there, in the beautiful grounds of Somerville Hall, made more beautiful through her own landscaping handiwork. But Nate had made another suggestion. They were to marry on the Mediterranean island of Corfu.

One day, if she and Nate were blessed with their own child, she would tell him or her all about the story of a little girl found on a beach alone in Corfu at three years old. And the incredible story that led Lili to finding her family in Israel and her second family; her friends at Cobblers Yard, and her fiancé, here on the Sunrise Coast.

Abigail caught Lili staring at her ring. ‘I’m so happy for you. I’m just glad the wedding is after my baby is born, so I can come.’

‘I want everyone to be there,’ Lili replied. ‘If I could find a way to fly Ulysses there too, I would.’ They glanced down to the makeshift altar where Nate was standing, holding on to Ulysses’ lead. Nate wasn’t the ring-bearer. Ulysses was wearing a special collar with a pouch, and inside was Abigail’s wedding ring.

Lili caught Abigail’s smile falter again as the music paused. It was time for her to walk down the aisle. Everyone got into position behind her. The band was about to playhere comes the bride.Lili glanced over her shoulder at Nate’s two children, William and Maisie, who were ready with their baskets of confetti.

She turned back and looked at Abigail, knowing this was going to be difficult for her. Inevitably, it would bring back memories of her first wedding. But Abigail understood now that you never get over loss. It becomes a part of who you are. And you take those you have lost with you in your heart on a new journey. Toby would always be with her, a part of their lives. Oliver understood that, too. Bertie would grow up with one dad, and, over the years, get to know another.

Lili got out a tissue and wiped a tear from her eyes. They weren’t tears of sadness, but tears of joy for her friend.

Gerald turned to Abigail. ‘Are you ready?’

‘I am.’ Abigail’s gaze rested on Oliver as she took her first step towards her new husband and the wonderful future she had waiting for her in the cottage by the sea.

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