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I’m distracted from my useless thoughts when Elijah moves closer to offer me the orange juice. My stomach—chilled only moments before—heats the closer he comes. In his tailored suit and rolled up sleeves, his strong forearms are on display. God, he’s so tall and smells incredible. My gaze is level with his lap and I think of what it would be like to have him climb into bed with me, demanding I touch him everywhere. Lifting the hem of my robe as we’re spooning so he could slip inside me for a lazy afternoon stress reliever.

“Seriously, you should go. I can take care of myself.”

Elijah ignores me, tipping the glass of orange juice to my lips. “I have a meeting not too far from here in half an hour.” He scrutinizes me, appearing thoughtful. “There are vacant parcels of land along Montague Street and I’m speaking with developers about using the land for housing in some places, commercial growth in others.” His thumb swipes a drop of orange juice away from below my bottom lip and my skin zings. “The governor is more interested in putting a sports arena smack dab in the center of the community and doesn’t give a damn that the residents don’t want more traffic congestion and even lower property values. Not when they’ve made so much progress revitalizing.”

I don’t realize until my lungs start to burn that I’ve been holding my breath. Elijah never talks to me about work. Why now? “S-so you’re trying to change his mind?”

“That’s the plan. I’m putting together an initiative, but that’ll only be the beginning of the battle. In the event he agrees to use the land to benefit North Charleston residents, I want to hire local.” He shakes his head. “No big-name outside developers. If we’re trying to benefit a community, we should put the money in the pockets of the people who live there.”

If I wasn’t already out of my head for this man, his passion and conviction as he speaks would have sealed it. “Do you have a lot of support behind you?”

“No.” He laughs, setting aside the orange juice. “Not yet, anyway. My father’s supporters want the arena. It’ll be a feather in the city’s cap.”

“Better housing and shopping districts won’t give them that.”

“No again.” Elijah sighs. “There’s support out there for the plans, but it’ll come from people who are still reserving judgment on me. They think I’m planning to carry on a legacy for my father. And I am. I will. But it’ll come with changes.”

Remembering Elijah’s conviction when he told me I could expand the Christmas business, I reach out to lay a hand on his arm, but draw it back at the last second. He frowns at the action. “You’re worthy of people’s trust, Captain. If they haven’t figured that out yet, it’ll only be a matter of time. Some might say politicians are all words, no action. But you’re proving the opposite. You’re fighting.” I pick imaginary lint off my bedspread. “You have my support.”

His devastating smile almost sends me back into the pillows.

“Okay,” I manage. “Time to go. You’re going to be late.”

The smile dims to concern. “Is this the first time you’ve gotten out of bed alone? You might be a little shaky.”

I shrug.

“That’s what I thought. Do you need the ladies’ room?”

A laugh catches me off guard. “So formal.”

“Not formal. Professional.” He winks at me. “It’s my way of trying to make it easier for you to rely on me. I know you probably hate it.”

Earlier this morning, I tried to stand and my legs collapsed like jelly, so my choices are limited. With an eye roll, I lift my arms. “I just need you to get me started.”

He stoops down, wrapping an arm around my waist and lifting me with ease into the heat of his body…and I have no idea if it’s the perfect giving warmth of his solid body or my weak legs, but I sway. I sway hard, land against him and stay there, inhaling eucalyptus and Elijah. “Now,” he murmurs. “There you are.”

“Thank you for coming to get me.” I push my gratitude past the twinge in my throat. “I don’t remember a thing, but I’m assuming you swooped down in a mask and cape.” I drop my voice several octaves. “Mayor Man. Able to conquer anything, except his impulse control on Italian night.”

His rumble of laughter is heaven against my ear. “Thanks for leaving out the superhero tights.” He holds me tighter. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry.” I could stay like this forever, just sagged in the hold of a hero, pretending he never wants to let me go, either. But reluctantly, I tap him on the shoulder. “Okay, I think I can walk now that I’m up.”



He’s right behind me as I pad across the hallway, my legs feeling a little more capable with each step. Right before I close myself in the bathroom, Elijah inserts a hand to stop the door from closing. “Goose?”

Tags: Tessa Bailey Girl Erotic