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“I think she’s forever,” I say.

Timothy looks up at me and doesn’t speak for several seconds. Finally, he says, “I never thought I would hear those words from your mouth.”

“Why?” I ask. “Is it because I’m such a strict son of a bitch when it comes to being a Daddy?”

He laughs. “Yeah, that’s a pretty damned big part of it.” He shakes his head with a broad smile and says, “No. I mean, yes but not the way you just put it. I never thought I would hear it because you always end up with little girls who have been in the lifestyle a while. It doesn’t work for either of you because they’re used to one level of strictness and you handle things in an entirely different way.”

He’s right. That’s the story of my life, actually. One of the problems with how seriously I take the relationship (and how intensely, I suppose) is that people need to be all in for it to work. More accurately, the girl needs to set aside all pre-conceived notions. A thought occurs to me. “You think it’s working out because Vanessa has never had a Daddy before?”

He shrugs. “It’s a definite possibility. You don’t mess around. A lot of bad Daddies mess around. A lot of good Daddies aren’t nearly as strict as you. Some of the best Daddies aren’t as strict as you are. People with any experience in the past are probably going to think you go overboard.”

“What do you think?”

He shakes his head. “No fucking way. Not having that conversation. I think the only thoughts that matter are yours and your little girl’s.”

“That’s a cop out.”

“Okay, I think unless you fuck her ass while using a dildo in her pussy, you’re not teaching her how to submit sexually. Unless you can hold her with your cock all the way in her throat for at least one minute, she’s not learning to submit.”

“What? That’s an insane standard for…” I sigh. He’s making a point about how sex between different couples isn’t standardized. Relationships aren’t either. “Okay. Not a cop out,” I say.

“You’ve been around long enough to hear those kinds of things, though,” he says. “You’ve been around long enough to hear people who actually think a Daddy or a Sir or a Master or any other kind of Dom who doesn’t do those things is failing his submissive. I’m sure there are similar things with male submissives, too.”

“Yeah.” I wave my hand. “All right. You’ve made your point.”

“Look, any couple who wants to do those things is absolutely entitled to but nobody gets to tell me what I’m going to do with Brittney and nobody gets to tell you. More importantly, you don’t get anyone to decide for you. There’s no easy way out. There’s only making the decision yourselves.”

“Point made,” I say a bit sharply.

He raises an eyebrow and says, “That’s point made, Major, Master Sergeant.”

I chuckle. “Yes, Sir. Point made.”

“The most important thing about all this, Gray, is just that you need to talk to her. You wouldn’t be so fucking head over heels about her if she didn’t have a good head on her shoulders. I know you well enough to know that.”

We’re interrupted by a very pretty young lady who arrives with a bottle of wine. “Here you go, Timothy,” she says with a smile.

“Thanks, Anna,” he replies.

When she leaves, I say, “This is a pretty fancy restaurant. I’m surprised you eat here enough for her to recognize you.”

“I don’t,” he says with a laugh. “I own this place. At least, I own half of it. I’m a silent partner with the chef.”

I stare at him and then I chuckle. “Looks like both of us are full of surprises today. How in the world did you get involved with this?”

“The chef is an old friend. We were in boot camp together. He didn’t make the Army a career, though. Four years in and out. It paid for his culinary school.”

“Everything has a connection to the military for you,” I say.

“You, too, pal.”

“Probably.” I say. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to be content with never really knowing who you are.”

A moment later, a tall man walks up. Timothy stands and shakes his hand and I stand as well. “This is Grayson Folsom,” Timothy says. “Gray, this is Reuben Tack.”

Tags: Jess Winters Erotic