Page 66 of Cruel Vows

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For the first time since I met Massimo, I’ve seen a side of him I never expected. A compassionate and caring side, as he’s clearly torn up over his father’s diagnosis. Not to mention, the burden he carries on his shoulders of having to fill the gap his father may leave if he dies from his illness.

When I told him my story, he seemed to bounce back, as if his situation wasn’t so bad after all. He sympathized with me, something I didn’t believe a cruel man like him was capable of. And then, he shocked me to the core with three words that make little sense. He loves me. How could he possibly say that he loves me after all the terrible things he put me through this past month?

We walk into Sal’s restaurant, Massimo keeping my arm tight around his as we walk toward the family. He’s nervous. I can sense it in the way he’s so uptight and is clawing at me like a crutch. It’s odd seeing a man like him so shaken up.

Mia notices me and rushes over to my side. “Paisley, come and meet Camilla.”

I smile and glance at Massimo, waiting for his agreement.

He nods. “Go ahead.” He clears his throat. “I need to speak with Luca.”

Mia links arms with me and ushers me away from my husband, toward a girl who resembles her. She has the same golden brown hair, lighter than Massimo’s, and the same light brown eyes. “Camilla, you need to meet Paisley, our new sister-in-law.”

Camilla smiles, her eyes kind as they meet mine. “I practically know you how much Mia goes on about you,” she says, holding out a hand.

I shake it. “I could say the same.”

She laughs and then glances toward her brother. “How is Massimo treating you?”

I shrug. “As well as can be expected of a man who kidnapped me and forced me down the aisle.”

Camilla winces. “Yes, I heard about that.”

It’s surprising how different the two girls are to their brothers. They don’t seem to take to this life of crime so easily.

Mia nudges me. “He’s growing on you a bit, though. Isn’t he?” There’s a glint of mischief in her eyes as I follow her gaze to see Massimo staring right at me.

My cheeks heat as I break his gaze, shaking my head. “He’s not as bad as I first thought, but it doesn’t change what he did.”

Camilla sighs. “No, nothing ever will.” She flicks her long, golden brown hair over her shoulder. “Do you know what this sudden important dinner is all about?” Her attention is fixed on me.

I swallow hard, feeling guilty that I know about her father’s illness before she does. “No, Massimo said he wasn’t sure what it’s about.”

Mia rolls her eyes. “He’s a liar, then.”

“Enough of that. How have you been since I’ve been away?” Camilla asks, looking at Mia.

I find my attention drawn to the man who, a month ago, I swore I hated with a passion. Ever since his rather surprising admittance of love only an hour ago, I feel more confused than ever. Massimo is a monster who can’t love and yet he’s bared himself to me in ways I never imagined. It makes me reevaluate him as a man, but it also begs the question: do I really want out of this marriage?

I feel a bit of a third wheel as Camilla rattles on about everything that happened to her at the Syndicate Academy, so I clear my throat. “Excuse me.”

They both nod and smile politely as I walk away and toward my husband. He notices me approaching, those dark eyes flashing with amusement. Once I’m a foot from him, he grabs me and yanks me against his side, leaning toward my ear. “Couldn’t stay away for long, could you?”

I grind my teeth. “Not exactly. I just don’t enjoy being a third wheel.”

He smiles as he glances over at his two sisters chatting away. “They can be a bit intense at times.”

I raise a brow. “A bit?”

He chuckles. “A lot, then.” His hand slides to the small of my back, sending a pulse of need through me. It’s ridiculous how much a single touch from him affects me ever since we met.

“Where is your father?” I ask.

He shrugs. “Late, I guess.”

I nod in response as a man I’ve never seen before walks into the room. His eyes go straight to Massimo and he walks toward him.

“Who is that?”

He stiffens when he turns to see him, brow furrowing. “Where is he?” he asks the man, ignoring my question.

The guy nods to a corner and they both walk over to it. I watch as he speaks with Massimo, and the way my husband’s shoulders dip. A knot forms in my stomach as I’m sure it’s not good news, whoever he is.

Massimo’s face is grave and unreadable as he returns to my side. “He collapsed and is in the hospital,” he murmurs to me, shaking his head. “That’s his bodyguard, and he said that I’ll have to inform everyone.” There’s such vulnerability in those dark eyes it’s hard to believe I’m looking at the same man who kidnapped me, punished me and forced me down the aisle.

I hate that the need to comfort him rises inside me, especially after everything. Even so, I set my hand on his and squeeze. “It will be alright.”

He smiles, but it’s forced and sad. “I’m not sure anything will ever be alright again, princess.” He kisses me and it’s achingly soft. “I need you by my side. Can you do that?”

I search those eyes of his, eyes I’ve grown to love drowning in. “Yes.”

He squeezes my hand and clears his throat. “Everyone take a seat,” he announces.

A lot of the family look at him with confused expressions.

“My father can’t make it, so I am going to tell you why he called you all here.”

Luca and Leo look the most confused, as they, of course, are aware of their father’s illness, but they sit anyway. Everyone accepting Massimo’s order as they fall silent and watch him. He doesn’t sit, but I take my seat next to him, wondering how he’s going to break this news.

“Father called you all here today to let you know that he’s not well.”

“Not well?” Camilla asks, brow furrowing. “In what sense.”

Massimo glares at her. “If you shut up, I’ll tell you.”

Her face pales a little under the glare of her brother’s dark eyes. “Fair enough,” she mutters.

“He has stage three bowel cancer, and it’s spread to his liver.” Massimo cracks his neck. “Unfortunately, he collapsed an hour ago and is in hospital.”

Camilla and Mia jump to their feet. “We must go and see him,” Mia exclaims, looking panicked.

Massimo holds his hands up. “Sit.”

They both sit back down.

“While he is fighting this illness, I am taking over his role as the head of the famiglia, as per his wishes.” There’s no sign now in his voice or his body language of that vulnerability he showed me earlier, and I assume that’s because he has to be strong in his position. If he’s going to be acting don to a powerful family, he has to appear unbreakable. “Does anyone have any questions?”

There’s a morbid silence that fills the room as everyone stares at their new acting leader.

“Okay, that settles it. Immediate family will head to the hospital.” He glances around the room. “Anyone else is welcome to stay and eat dinner as Sal has prepared it.”

All of his immediate family gets to their feet at once, including his brother and nephews.

Massimo grabs my hand, yanking me to my feet. “Let’s go.”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance