Page 86 of Vow of Seduction

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“That would take a weakness and I only have one.”

I slammed my fist on the desk. “Cassie. How the hell would Rocco know of her existence?”

“Let me make a phone call.”

“You damn well better not take too long.” After checking the time, I ended the call abruptly, shifting through page after page. While the information was limited, it would appear the proposed attack was imminent. When I looked at the digital clock again, I realized almost ten minutes had passed. “Call me, you prick.” When the phone rang a few seconds later, I jerked it into my hand.

“Remember she mentioned the asshole following her at the university?” he snarled.


“If I had to guess, I’d say that was Rocco Luciano. He was appointed to the board of trustees four and a half months ago. He’s not a stupid man, Daniel. You know that.”

“Fuck. We need to get to her.” I jerked to a standing position.

“I’m leaving for Illinois tonight. She’s coming back with me.”

I thought about his decision and huffed. “You won’t be alone. Have Brogan with you. The target is Cassie. Get her out of that house.”

* * *


Saturday morning dawned with cloudy skies and the threat of rain. I stood at the window with a cup of coffee in my hand, daydreaming when I should have been cleaning. At least I had a good reason, or a bad one.

Alexander had called in the middle of the night. I’d grabbed the phone on the third ring, staring down at the number, my heart racing. I wanted nothing more than to talk to him, to hear his sexy voice. But I knew that it would keep my heartache at a high level. I was barely functioning as it was, unable to sleep or eat. Part of that had to do with my father’s retirement. Part had to do with my late-night email to Daniel, the damning information I’d sent him.

Did I feel guilty about possibly sending my father to prison? In truth, no. What did that make me? He was my father, but in biological terms only. After the ringing sound had stopped, I’d turned off the phone to avoid being weak.

I just couldn’t handle it. Not now.

I’d done everything I could to make amends for my father’s atrocious behavior. Now I had to get back to my life.

Just like they wanted.

Just like I hated.

“Ugh.” I pulled away from the window, staring into my cup. Even my favorite blueberry cobbler coffee had no flavor this morning. I headed for the kitchen, glaring at the clock before dumping the contents. It was almost ten. I should get dressed. Hell, I should take a shower. I yanked a bottle of water from the fridge.

Then I felt a presence.

For a crazy split second, I was certain it was one of the Wild Boys, but the aftershave was entirely different, the stench disgusting.

“Hello, Cassie. I think you and I are going to become good friends.”

His voice was deep, laced with evil. As I slowly turned around, I bit my lower lip to keep from whimpering. He stood in a dark suit, his arms crossed in front of him. In his hands was a weapon held casually. That didn’t terrify me as much as the smile on his face. It was one of knowing, and of taking something that didn’t belong to him.

I’d seen his picture. I knew his identity.

Rocco Luciano.

Flinching, I darted a quick glance at the knife block on the counter. When I did, he laughed.

“While I’m certain you’re the kind of woman who will eventually try, I’ll make a strong suggestion that you don’t start playing with knives. I don’t want to hurt you, but I’ll do so if necessary.”

“Who are you?”

“I think you already know. I must admit that until just yesterday, you remained a mystery. But something clicked when your father retired. All I had to do was connect the dots, linking your brother to the school, of which I’m on the board by the way.”

Tags: Piper Stone Erotic