Page 83 of Vow of Seduction

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The restaurant was crowded, which was what Rocco had intended. I wasted no time going inside, both Steven and Brogan by my side. As we were taken to Rocco’s table, I scanned the facility, chuckling under my breath. Rocco had obviously been afraid of what I might do. Good for him for being so careful.

However, at the end of tonight, his blood would be on my hands.

When I spotted him, I realized it had been years since I’d seen him, the pictures flashed across certain news programs unable to do him justice. He’d certainly changed over the years.

Then again, so had I.

I eased into the chair, Brogan beside me. It was obvious by the smug look on Rocco’s face that he recognized Brogan after all these years. He calmly took a sip of his wine then motioned as if looking for his waiter.

“You brought one of your lackeys. How interesting,” Rocco dared to say.

While I sensed Brogan tensing, I smiled. “Brogan is actually my VP of business development.”

He shifted his hard glare toward my friend, chuckling for a few seconds. “So you’re expanding. Good for you. Anything you gentlemen would like to have is on me. It’s the least I can do.”

I glared at him, leaning over the table. “Unfortunately, Rocco, this isn’t a social visit. We’re here on business, which is what I assumed was the reason for your call. So, let’s conduct business.”

“Very well, Alexander. We’ll skip the niceties, although allow me to say that it’s good to see you out of prison, Brogan. I know you were just covering for your boss here.”

Brogan knew better than to take the bait. He merely smiled, reaching across the table and grabbing the man’s glass of wine. I had to give my friend credit. He had style. After he consumed the glass, he pushed it back in Rocco’s direction, keeping the grin on his face.

Rocco looked the other way, annoyed but not stupid enough to react.

“Fine. I can see we’re not going to make significant ground today so let me say this.” Rocco snapped his head in my direction. “You killed my father. You were always the bully, the big man on campus. Well, no longer. In retaliation, I took one of your own. Garrison’s death was… sweet. Now we’re even.”

I could tell Brogan was about to rip the man’s throat out, but he was able to maintain his composure, at least for now.

I tapped my fingers on the table. Given patience wasn’t one of my virtues, I didn’t waste much time in replying. “You’re right. You killed an innocent man. That’s something I won’t easily forget, and I never forgive. As far as being even, that’s where we differ in opinions, especially since you took it upon yourself to threaten both me and the men I trust with my life, although texting seems beneath you.”

I’d fully anticipated that Rocco would deny the accusation. That was his style. What I hadn’t anticipated was the look of confusion that crossed his face for a split second. I was a damn good observer of people, my instincts almost never wrong. He hadn’t sent the text messages.


“I’m certain you receive threats all the time, as do I. I suggest we end the feud that’s been going on with our families for decades. I have no intention of coming into New York. I find the city…” Rocco leaned back, looking out the window toward the busy street. “Dirty. I prefer Chicago.”

The man was full of bullshit, but if this was his way of stepping back even for a few months, I’d feign acceptance.

Then I’d slit his throat.

Brogan snorted, giving me a hard look. He knew what I had planned, at least to a point.

“I’ll consider it, Rocco,” I said as I rose from my chair. “If you’re serious about your intentions, I’ll expect you to leave thisfilthycity tonight. If you do not, I’ll know you had other plans in mind.”

He grinned at me, motioning for one of his men to refill his glass. The man was a true pig. “Then I’ll drink my wine and be on my way. I’m certain you have other issues to attend to, Alexander.”

I glared at him for a full ten seconds before nodding to Steven. I wasn’t in the mood for listening to any more of his lies. A part of me was surprised we made it to the car without incident. I turned toward my Capo, keeping my voice low. “Find out where he goes afterwards.”

“You got it, boss.”

Brogan waited to say anything until we were inside the back of the SUV.

“Did you just offer me a job?” Brogan laughed, tilting his head.

“I have plans, my friend. I do hope you’ll be a part of them.” I took a deep breath, my thoughts returning to Cassie.

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