Page 8 of Vow of Seduction

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“Is that a threat?” I sneered at him, upping my game even as wave after wave of fear trickled down my spine. However terrified I was, I had to get through this. No, Iwoulddo this. I wanted him to show his hand, to allow me to see once again the evil man buried inside of him. That would make what I was about to do easier on my mind.

And my soul.

He stood oh-so slowly, moving away from the coffee table and taking enough steps toward me I almost lost my nerve.

“I never make threats, Dahlia. I don’t have to. However, you are required to follow rules. You defied me, which is unacceptable. You’ll need to be punished for your infractions, including tossing the drink in my face. Undress.”

I could tell his patience was wearing thin, his desire greater than his need to toy with me. There was no getting around what I’d be forced to do. Still, I wanted to push his limits as far as I could, making me hate him even more. I couldn’t stand the thought of my conscience coming back to haunt me.

“I don’t think so.”

He tilted his head, his jaw clenching. As his chest rose and fell, his dazzling eyes flashed. Then he set the thick base of the glass down on the coffee table with a solid thud. “I don’t think you fully understand. This isn’t a request but a command. Undress. You’re going to be punished for your insolence.”

“You must be out of your mind.” I took long strides around the couch, heading for the door. His actions were swift as he moved so quickly toward me that I was shocked. He fisted my hair, yanking me away from the door. Before I had a chance to reach inside the bodice of my corset, retrieving the weapon I’d planned to use, he dragged me against his chest, his hold firm.

He gripped my chin and neck with his other massive hand, digging his fingers into my skin. “You’re a very naughty girl, aren’t you, Dahlia? You need strict discipline in your life. Only then will you understand your place.”

There it was. The crux of the Wild Boys and their attitude, their disregard for human decency. They were sons of prominent citizens; mafia leaders, corporate moguls, high-ranking politicians. All had been provided a very special education at an exclusive university, one catering to the most influential people in the world. The location and its curriculum were secret. Anyone who offered even a hint of what the college taught in their classes disappeared.

I shoved my hand against his chest, pushing with all my muscle. The man didn’t budge. “Let me go.”

“You will obey me. As I said, you won’t like what happens if you do not. You’re a beautiful girl, Dahlia. I will make you rich, but that comes with a price. If you don’t obey…”

The end to his sentence was implied but the wretched thoughts alone sent a shiver down my spine.

I wanted to call him an asshole, but the look in his eyes was a reminder of how much danger I was in.

“I don’t take kindly to anyone attempting to infiltrate my regime. I think you can understand that. If you truly long for continued employment, then you will endure the punishment you justly deserve. If not, then you and I are going to have problems. Your choice.”

He lowered his head even more, brushing his lips across mine. His scent became intoxicating within seconds, my heart fluttering. I could easily hate the man even though I was attracted to him. That alone strengthened my resolve.

When he captured my mouth, fireworks exploded in my brain. My pussy ached within a few seconds, the longing for the horrible man sweltering within me pissing me off more than anything had so far. I refused to be attracted to him. Damn it. He was the enemy. He was the devil.

As he thrust his tongue into my mouth, I continued fighting him, pummeling both hands against his chest. There was no way to reach my vial, no possibility of ending this right here.You can do this. You can endure anything the bastard doles out.

I only hoped that was true.

As the kiss continued, he took his time exploring my mouth as he dominated my tongue. The moment of intimacy was passionate, his slight growls an indication of just how aroused he’d become. I was thrown by the strange connection building between us.

Then he broke the passionate embrace, pushing me away and wiping his mouth. He said nothing, simply returning to his seat, his anticipation I would obey him creating another wave of anger. “Do not make me tell you again.”

With no way of getting out of the room, and no chance I could overcome him until the moment was perfect, I closed my eyes briefly, challenging Dahlia to return to her vow.

One of seduction.

One of acceptance.

One of retaliation.

I unzipped the corset, refusing to turn around as I slowly pulled it all the way down my back.

“I want to watch. Turn around.”

His command was little more than a guttural sound that vibrated to the depths of my being.

Tags: Piper Stone Erotic