Page 77 of Vow of Seduction

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The three of us remained in the living room, glaring at an unneeded fire in the gas fireplace. Why Alexander had lit it was beyond me, other than the flickering light allowed him something to concentrate on. He’d been deep in thought, likely sulking because of the events of the evening.

While we all had drinks in our hands, I had the feeling he was ready to toss his glass into the flames. Hell, maybe that would make us all feel better.

Daniel had carried Cassie into the house, and I’d been able to tell instantly that they’d been intimate. Not only did it surprise me that she’d allow a single one of us get close to her, but also that I’d felt a pang of jealousy. Maybe I had wanted to be the one she’d go to for comfort. I couldn’t seem to get the single time I’d met her all those years ago out of my mind. While the sun had been glaring that morning, I’d been drawn to her eyes, especially the way she’d looked at me.

Garrison had mentioned he had someone he wanted me to meet, but I’d felt certain it was another girl he’d met. By that point, Emily had been ripped from our lives. I’d always known it had been for the best, but Alexander was furious, angrier than I’d seen him in a hell of a long time. Now I realized why. She’d become a small part of our family.

Now this beautiful creature had awakened all three of us once again.

Well, that was over. Cassie should return to her life. She damn well deserved something better than three broken men.

“Who do you think spotted her at the university?” I asked, just as concerned as they were what that might mean.

“It doesn’t matter. She’s no one to them,” Alexander stated.

“You’re certain of that?” Daniel barked.

“I already made some calls, including to some folks associated with the university. There’s nothing to indicate anyone knows who she is. What we need to be concerned about is Rocco. While he’s still in New York, he can’t learn her identity. She’s already a weakness.”

“A weakness,” Brogan repeated. “You’ll end up spending your life alone and lonely.”

“If that’s what needs to happen, then fine. I refuse to allow her to be in any danger.”

“How admirable of you, Alexander. I assume that means we can get her off the damn island,” Daniel said through clenched teeth.

“You’re that eager to get her out of your life, my friend?” Alexander hissed then took a gulp of his drink, immediately climbing out of the chair and heading toward the bar.

“Don’t be a martyr, Alexander. It doesn’t suit you,” Daniel retorted. “Besides, she wants to go. We’re going to fucking let her go. But you damn well better make certain Rocco doesn’t come after her.”

“I plan on doing just that, my friend,” he retorted. “I guess it means you won’t be there to help.”

“I’m sick of the crap between the two of you. Cassie deserves to have her life back, but I agree with Daniel. She will be protected if I have to do it myself.” I looked from one to the other, hissing under my breath.

“I don’t work for you, Alexander, and I never will,” Daniel said quietly, moving closer to the fire.

“What a shame, Daniel. I was hoping you’d invest in my grand plan on the island.” Alexander swept his arm out.

I expected Daniel to go off the deep end. He just shook his head. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

“Never say never,” Alexander added.

“You’re going to work for him again, Brogan?” Daniel snipped, glaring in my direction.

I took a sip of my drink, trying to keep my anger in check. “I don’t know yet, Danny, but if Rocco is threatening us, then he won’t stop until he gets what he wants. I’m not going to allow that to happen.”

He exhaled then looked away. He knew I was right. Sadly, he was fighting what he knew would need to be done.

Sighing, I headed for the open door, leaning against the doorway and staring out into the darkness. I ordinarily enjoyed hearing the sound of the ocean, but it did little to comfort me at this point. We’d had so many rounds of silence; I wasn’t certain we could be friends any longer. I rubbed my finger where the ring should be, wishing I’d protected it when I’d had the chance.

“I don’t want to lose her,” Alexander said after a few minutes. “But it’s for the best.”

There was no adequate way for either Daniel or me to respond. There was no best in this.

Tags: Piper Stone Erotic