Page 56 of Vow of Seduction

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I turned toward him, moving so quickly that he was shocked when I wrapped my hand around his throat, yanking him to his feet. The glass tumbled out of his fingers, shattering against the cold, hard deck. The bastard had checked on her when we were told in no uncertain terms to leave her alone?

He slammed his hands against me, the look in his eyes as wild as every single time he’d issued a hard punch or kicked one of the undeserving recipients of his raw anger and power.

I squeezed, making certain he felt the power of my wrath. When I slammed him against the glass, I could swear I heard a single crack as the pane gave way to the pressure and force.

“Whoa. For fuck’s sake. We can’t be at each other’s throat. That’s not going to accomplish a damn thing,” Brogan advised, flanking my side.

“Do you really think this son of a bitch cares about either one of us?” I snarled. “This is all about him.”

Alexander wheezed but made no attempt to retaliate. When he finally lifted his arms in acquiescence, I hissed then released my hold, taking two giant steps away. I was losing my shit over the past, not the present. How many times had I wanted to beat the crap out of him but never had?

He coughed, rubbing his throat and looking away.

The tension between us was ugly, thick, and suffocating.

“Don’t be angry with Daniel. He’s the only normal one of us.” Alexander moved beside me at the railing. “I checked on Emily over the years, but I honored her wishes and didn’t make contact. I simply made certain her life was where it should be. She forgot all about us.”

“I doubt she could forget. Her parents wouldn’t allow that to happen,” Brogan stated defiantly, which was the truth. Her parents had ripped her out of school after the girl’s near breakdown. I’d checked on her as well over the years, almost calling her several times but I’d refused to try to enter her life again. She deserved better than the three of us.

“It’s in the past.” Or was it? Was the incident coming back to haunt us as well? As memories resurfaced, images of Emily’s sweet face, I had to face the fact that we’d been in love with her and she with us, but the great university had threatened to kick us out of the program, which would have put a huge stain on our families, ripping some of the power and influence away.

We’d been sent there as a privilege, a school meant to groom the children of the very upper echelon of society. Mafia families, corporate moguls, politicians. The waiting list was long, entrance highly selective. We’d chosen our families instead of the girl we’d pulled into an amazing affair that turned into a tragic love story.

“Dahlia isn’t Emily. However, she is another beautiful soul. We will not destroy her, no matter the reason she attacked us. Period.” My statement would be followed.

“Agreed,” Brogan half whispered.

“As I told you. I have no intention of destroying her,” Alexander added. “I can’t. No, I won’t. I want her. Not just taking her body. I want more. I’ve waited my entire life to find the perfect woman who could handle me. Dahlia is everything. Understand it. Don’t understand it. I don’t give a shit.”

I was dumbfounded at his words. He’d never acted like he’d cared for anyone. Even with Emily, he’d been detached, never showing any real emotion. That was one aspect that had driven Emily away.

Just by giving Brogan a single glance, I could tell he felt the same damn way. One taste of her and they were convinced the four of us belonged together. “She’s not a possession, Alexander. She’s a woman with wants and needs. You can’t be blind enough not to see the pain in her eyes. We did that to her. Whatever the truths, that’s apparent. Maybe you don’t give a shit about having it on your conscience, but I do.” I knew my words had fallen on deaf ears. Jesus. This was getting out of hand.

“Perhaps you’re right. Her hatred has made her fight the desire burning through her like it already has all three of us. Don’t try and throw your high and mighty bullshit around. That’s not going to fly. We all know the score. We are the same, our wants and needs. She belongs to us.” Alexander had a strange look on his face after issuing the words, an expression I’d never seen before.


The man was out of his mind, but the aching pain in my gut made it difficult to deny. Exhaling, I looked away. “I’ll repeat. She’s not a possession you can decide to steal off a shelf.”

Alexander laughed, the sound dark and bitter. He was used to getting everything he wanted. “You know, I thought about what you said earlier, Daniel. If she didn’t send the threats, then she could be in danger by reason of being here. With us. Still, we need the truth from her.”

“So what’s next, using her? Again?” I demanded. “Fucking her every day until she relents? That’s not like her in case you haven’t noticed.”

“You saw her face. You felt the way her body molded with ours. She was enjoying every moment of sharing raw passion.” Alexander was adamant, clenching his fist as his face flushed red from anger.

“Then she turned away, ashamed she’d enjoyed that moment,” I retorted.

Another full minute of silence flowed between us.

“I don’t plan on using her in the manner you’re thinking. However, we will seduce her again. Enjoying the carnal passion, the intense need all four of us feel is inevitable. The thought of indulging again and again is near perfection.” My God, Alexander was animated, believing every word of the crap he was spouting.

“Why bother trying to make her feel wanted when this is about power? Anger?” I asked, my cock stirring at the thought.

“You’ve missed the point entirely, my friend. Because there isn’t a one of us who want to let her go.” The words hung in the air like a guillotine prepared to fall. The ache for her only increased, the visions crawling through my mind evocative.

Fuck. The man was right.

Alexander moved toward the door, stopping long enough to laugh. “I refuse to be denied. She is the one. Both of you know it.”

Tags: Piper Stone Erotic