Page 51 of Pure Love

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Rookie came to his side, frowning, eyes darting. “They’re saying the puck…” He blew out a breath. “The lucky puck is gone?” His chest expanded dramatically and deflated as if he were trying to take all the air from the room before the oxygen disappeared like the puck.

Hadn’t they broken him of his superstitious shit? Mikah touched his shoulder. “Breathe, bro.”

“We’ll find it.” Piper projected enthusiasm into her voice. “The puck was here, so it has to still be here. I’ll expand the search.” She circled the room with Mikah right behind her, lending his gaze, though he mainly focused on Piper’s sexy rear end as she stooped and bent, looking for what everyone sought.

No luck.

Piper reached the bench again, and a sophisticated blue sweater lay on top. She froze and lifted the sweater.

Mikah had been with her since she told him the sweater was missing. Now the sweater had reappeared? Someone was messing with her. He narrowed his eyes and did a quick scan for anyone paying special attention to Piper and him: a few dancers, their eyes followed him, of course; his bros, looking for the puck; Willow, too lazy to help; Warren. Warren’s gaze was on Piper’s every move. Anger blocked Mikah’s own vision for a second, and he shifted his stance so his big body blocked Piper from the others.

Piper looked the sweater over. “Must have fallen from my bag and someone returned it?” She sounded doubtful.

“Prank, maybe?”

Piper shrugged and held out the sweater.

Mikah folded the cashmere and returned it to her. “It was a gift.”

Piper carefully placed the sweater in the top of her bag and closed the zipper. “Thanks.”

The volume in the room grew as players spread the word of the owner’s missing puck. Others were searching now too.

Piper curled her legs crisscross on the bench. She pulled out her phone. “I’m going to lie low. I’ll send you some of the pictures I took for your social media while we wait.”

Mikah sat beside her. He brushed her hair over her shoulder so he could see her screen. His fingers lingered on the soft strands that smelled like lemon. Or was that her lotion? He shifted closer and breathed in. Did she taste fresh like citrus today? Would she be bothered by a small lick? Would her pupils dilate like they had back in New York on the guestroom bed? His hand, without his conscious volition, landed on her thigh. His thumb rubbed a small circle.

Her gaze shot to his, all her feelings in her green eyes, arousal, need. He lowered his head to take her pink lips.

“I found the missing puck.” Willow’s loud-ass voice echoed across the high-ceilinged room, reminding Mikah where they were. He dropped his hand from Piper. Willow ran across the center of the warehouse holding the puck like she’d caught the golden snitch.

Relief covered Dodo’s face. The owner took the puck, hugged Willow for a long pathetic minute, and left. No doubt to cradle the bit of much-rubbed plastic in private.

* * *

Piper was chatting with Dahlia in her office when Dodo came in through the double doors from his office carrying a turquoise jewelry store necklace box with a big white bow on the top. He was holding the gift in front of his chest, but honestly all she could see was the large round black belt buckle beneath the package. Holy tackiness, Dodo had turned his lucky puck into a belt buckle. The three-inch rubber disk was like a mini tire.

Bet that put an end to the players rubbing the surface before they took the ice. Piper held in her snicker. Had the team gotten an eyeful of Dodo’s new accessory? Piper shot a quick discreet picture and texted the image to Mikah. She had to.

Mikah texted back an expletive.

Piper grinned.

Dahlia covered her mouth with her hand, her gaze on Dodo’s belt. “That’s something.”

Dodo fingered the one-inch-thick edge. “This baby will never be out of my sight again.”

Or anyone else’s.

Dahlia stared hard. “To clarify. That’s just for wearing here at the stadium, right?”

Dodo jogged his arms and stepped in place. “Nope. I’ll carry my luck around.”

Piper stood. “I’ll leave you two alone for…” She motioned to the jewelry box. “Quality time.”

Dodo gave her a nod, his expression much easier and his tone friendlier compared to the last time she’d seen him.

Dahlia smiled. “I’ll tell Dodo how your photos have our social media trending.”

Tags: Emily Bow Romance