Page 54 of The Brat Tamers

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My men sit up with me. Lee’s brow furrows. “You want to get married?”

I nod. “I hate introducing you as my boyfriend, or as my bodyguard, or God forbid when we are all there, my security team. I hate not going out as a group except for Club Sin. I don’t care what other people think. I’m happy, and I’m in love. My sister and my father know what’s up, and even if Walter hates it, the rest of the world can bite my ass if they have a problem with my lifestyle choices.”

“Biting your ass is my job, baby.” Porter throws me a wink.

“You’d rather introduce us as your husbands?” Case asks.


Lee moves to the edge of the bed and pulls me into his lap. Porter and Case sit on either side of him, touching me in one way or another. “If you want to get married, we’ll marry you tomorrow, pet. Legally, you’d marry one of us, but under the eyes of the gods, you are already ours, and we belong to you.”

“A piece of paper means nothing to us,” Case says as he strokes my hair. “It will not change our devotion to you. The guys who know call you our wife. If you want to introduce us as your husband, you are free to do so.”

“Unless this is about having an actual wedding complete with flowers and cake?” Porter arches his brow.

“And vows,” I say.

Lee smiles and nods his head, pressing a kiss to my neck. “And vows.”

“Are we talking about a public or private affair?”

“Private.” I bite my lip, the truth coming out piece by piece. “The four of us and maybe another four who get married on the same beach, at the same time, while vacationing on a tropical island together.”

Case laughs, falling back and resting a hand on his belly.

“I think we’re being played, gentlemen. Do Reese, Caiden, or Soren know what you and your sister have been up to?”

“If they don’t yet, they will soon.”

Porter shakes his head, a big smile spreading his lips, his gray eyes sparkling with amusement. “A double wedding. Two brides and six grooms. I bet that’s never happened before in the history of ever never.”

Lee shrugs. “If that’s what you want, pet, that’s what you’ll get. Have you already planned this soirée out?”

“No. Not yet. We started talking about it last week while you guys were out of town. She doesn’t even know I’m bringing it up today, and I don’t know when she’s going to talk to them about it, so don’t say anything.”

“Oh, hell no,” Lee chuckles. “I’m not going to be the one to break this to them.”

“Although it would be fun to see their faces when it comes up.” Case laughs again.

I glance between them. “Do you think they will tell her no?”

Porter rubs my thigh and shakes his head. “They can’t tell her no anymore than we can tell you no. If you want a double wedding on the beach overlooking the ocean, then that’s what you’ll get.”

“But we are not sharing a house with them for the honeymoon,” Lee grumbles. “I don’t care how close you’ve become; you do not want your sister hearing the things we do to you on our wedding night.”

I squeeze his neck. “Thank you, my husbands. I love you.”

Saying the words, hearing them roll off my tongue, I realize I’ve been waiting for this milestone to solidify our family unit. I’ve never doubted their feelings for me, or my feelings for them, but maybe after a lifetime of casual relationships and meaningless flings globe-trotting around the world, deep down I worried that this too would prove temporary.

But my men, whether my antics annoy or amuse them, are dedicated to standing by me. Publicly, privately, they are mine and I am theirs—forever.

* * *

Tags: Kameron Claire Romance