Page 27 of The Brat Tamers

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I have two men filling me, both growling as they move slow and then fast and then slow again, keeping me feeling full and on the edge. I’m close, I’m so fucking close, and I just need a bit more to send me over the edge. Balling up my fist, I smack Case’s hip and cry out, “More.”

Lee’s hips stop, his voice incredulous. “Did she just smack you?”

Case’s fingers tighten, and he yanks me off his cock. I gasp for air, my nipple popping out of Porter’s mouth, and look through blurry eyes to focus on Case’s face. I can’t tell if he’s angry or disappointed, but at this exact moment, I don’t care—not when I’m so close.

“Listen up, brat. You don’t come until we say you can.”

“Please,” I moan. At this point, I’m willing to beg. I’ve never been backed off the edge like this before, and I don’t like it.

“Are you begging or demanding?” Case narrows his eyes.

“Begging,” I whine, trying to keep the sharpness out of my tone.

“Do it better.”

I stick out my bottom lip, my voice quivering with pent-up need. “Please make me come.”

Case’s eyes go over my head to connect with Lee’s, who slides his cock in and out of me at an excruciatingly slow pace.

Oh my god, this is torture.

I want more.

I want faster.

I want harder.

“Get back to work, pet,” Lee says from behind me, his thumb circling and pressing against my asshole.

I swirl my tongue around the head of Case’s cock and then swallow him down. I notice the faster and harder I suck on him, the faster and harder come Lee’s strokes into me. Within a minute, I’m panting, once again on the edge, ready to spill over.

“Fuck!” Lee shouts, his fingers digging into my hips as I explode into a million tiny pieces.

At the same, Case pulls me off and fists his cock, jerking himself to completion. “Open up.”

I do as he says without complaint, opening my mouth and sticking my tongue out as he shoots hot cum down my throat.

Lee pulls out of me, shooting his load all over my back at the same time. I went from being double stuffed to empty in seconds, and all I really want is more.

Porter’s underneath me, pinching, plucking and biting my breasts and nipples, his ministrations gaining my focus as my pussy pulsates the last of my orgasm and come drips down my inner thigh.

Lee reaches over and grabs one of their discarded T-shirts, wiping my back clean before wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me up off the ground. Porter is standing up and shucking off his shorts, his cock just as long and thick as his partners.

He sits down and puts his arms out, a sweet yet devilish grin on his face. “Give her to me, you fucking savages.”

Lee chuckles, placing me on Porter’s lap so that my knees straddle his thighs.

Porter runs his fingertips reverently over my breasts, causing me to look down. All over my chest are red to purple bruises forming. “Oh, my god.”

Case hisses. “Fuck man, what did you do?”

Porter squeezes my breasts together, flicking his thumb over my sore extended nipples without apology. “You leave your mark one way. I like to leave my mark in other ways.” He shifts his hips and lifts my ass. “Ride my cock, baby.”

He enters me smoothly, my ample arousal coating my lips and inner walls. “Ah, fuck, your pussy is so good.”

“Oh,” I toss my head back and run my hands up his muscular biceps, wrapping my fingers around his neck as I roll my hips back and forth. “So good.”

Tags: Kameron Claire Romance