“Yeah,” Graham said. “I said the same thing.”

“Anything on the tapes?”

“It’s interesting that we have not found one video of Una in your rooms.”

“Maybe she had a maid do it.”

“No. They’re all too scared of you, and they all really like Beth.”

Alastair pinched the bridge of his nose. “Maybe they didn’t know that the things were poisoned?”

“That’s possible. We’ll question them.”

“Who did you see in the rooms?”

“Clarice was in a few times, a few maids, Freya twice.”

“Wait. Why would she be in there?” Alastair asked.

“I’m not sure. She carried towels once. I’ve seen her do things like that before.”

“Have Tony turn on the cameras in her and Una’s rooms. I want you to watch and see if anything unusual happens.”

“You got it. I’m glad you had the cameras on in your room. I’m surprised they are still on, though.”

Alastair snorted. “Because I forgot about them. I had them on so I could see Beth any time of the day.”

“I get it. I have to say, Freya likes Beth a lot, and they spend time together with Angus.”

“I know. I just get the feeling we’re missing something, so I’m trying to cover all our bases.”

“I’ll have the cameras turned on in the women’s rooms. When are you coming home?”

“Tomorrow, so I’m hoping we find something before then.”

“We’ll do our best.”

Alastair stood for a moment, thinking of different scenarios, but none of them fit.

“Alastair, the movie’s on,” Beth called out from the bedroom.

“I’m coming.”

She grinned at him when he walked into the room. “You left me alone too long, so I picked a romance.”

“You’ll pay for that,” he said. He jumped on the bed, wrestled her under him, and pulled her arms over her head. “Now, what are you going to do, baby?”

He smiled because she was giggling so hard she couldn’t talk.

This was another picture he’d carry with him the rest of his life.

Tags: Lila Fox Maclean Mafia Men Crime