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“Yeah. She’s just…Maya.”

“She saved our lives,” Ariel murmured.

Jay’s infectious grin returned. “She does that. It’s her life’s mission.” He turned toward a door Layla assumed would be a pantry. “Come on. I bet you two could use a shower, clean clothes, food, and sleep. You pick the order.”

Layla was shocked when Jay opened the closet to reveal shelves of canned goods and bottles of water. He grabbed two bottles of water and handed them to Layla and Ariel.

After shutting the pantry door, he reached for another lever behind the handle and gave a firmer tug. The entire pantry swung out toward them, revealing a narrow set of stairs that led down into the ground.

Ariel stiffened next to Layla.

“Would you like me to go first?” Jay asked as he grabbed a string hanging from the ceiling to flip on a bare lightbulb that illuminated the tight passage. “I know it’s daunting the first time, but I promise this bunker is safe. Sometimes there are up to two dozen people down there, but today it’s just you two. Transport was here three nights ago and took everyone to the main compound. Another group will be here tonight. They’ll escort you. Your timing was excellent.”

Layla had to force herself not to react to the fact that she and her sister had just been left alone with a man. Not just any man but one the two of them wouldn’t be able to overtake under any circumstances. She should be afraid. Instead, she trusted him implicitly. Nothing would happen to her or her sister under his care.

“I’ll go,” Ariel announced, surprising Layla. Of the two of them, Ariel was far more timid. It wasn’t that she was weak, but she was hesitant, less likely to trust.

Using her sudden newfound bravery, she entered the narrow space and descended the stairs.

Layla looked at Jay and lifted a brow. “How do you even fit through this passage?”

He chuckled. “It’s tight, but I manage.”

Layla followed her sister, realizing quickly that the stairwell was a spiral. As she got closer to the floor, she was able to see more of what lay beneath the small cabin.

There was only one room, but it was spacious and equipped for an apocalypse, which was what they were essentially living through.

Two walls were lined with cots stacked three high like one would find on a navy ship. The far end of the room was a living space of sorts with a long table, a dozen chairs, and a kitchen area. When she hit the floor and turned around, she noticed the other end past the spiral staircase had four doors.

It was nearly comical watching Jay emerge from the stairwell, neck bent to avoid hitting his head. He straightened to his full height after he stepped away from the stairs.

Layla guessed him to be about six-eight. The ceiling was only a few inches above him.

“Wow,” Ariel murmured as she wandered deeper into the long, narrow room.

Jay pointed toward the doors behind the stairs. “The two middle ones are toilets. The outer ones are showers. We have well water, so it’s cold, but it’s better than nothing.” He pointed at the rows of shelves that extended between the last of the bunk beds and the bathrooms. “Everything you’ll need is here. Towels. Clean clothes…”

Layla nodded. “Thank you.”

Jay stepped to one side to indicate a large bin. “Hook your towel up at the end of whichever bunk you choose to use while you’re here, but anything too dirty to reuse goes in the bin. Every once in a while someone brings clean laundry and takes the dirty.”

“Amazing. You’re so organized.”

Jay grinned. “Been at this for years. It’s a well-oiled machine.”

“Years…” Layla wandered farther into the space, awed by the setup and what this group of people—The Wanderers—did.

“I’ll let you two get cleaned up. There’s plenty to eat. Sleep if you want.” He pointed toward the other end of the room. “If you need anything, I’ll be up in the cabin.” He grabbed the iron railing for the stairs and started to climb.

Layla watched him as he twisted his large frame in an awkward position in order to climb those stairs. Every inch of him was strong and built. She didn’t know how she could find herself attracted to the first man she’d ever really seen up close in her age range, but she was.

Seconds later, he was gone, and Layla turned to face Ariel. “Shower and then food?”

Ariel nodded. “I like that plan. And then sleep. I feel like I could sleep for three days.”

Layla wasn’t surprised. Ariel hadn’t slept well since they’d left home. Layla hadn’t either because she’d been forced to sleep with one eye open, but she’d never needed as much rest as her sister. With Jay keeping watch upstairs, she felt safe enough to sleep deeply for once.

So why did she feel compelled to go back upstairs?

Tags: Becca Jameson The Wanderers Thriller