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Chapter 11

Gatlin was the first to descend the stairs, turning around when he reached the bottom to take Layla’s hand. He was relieved to finally have her safely inside the compound. He would breathe even better after they sealed that door and then opened the one behind him.

Once they’d all descended, shutting out the day above them, Gatlin turned around and faced the actual entrance to the compound. He reached for the keypad and pushed the sequence of numbers that would unlock the steel door.

“What about Stu?” Ariel asked.

Gatlin glanced at her as he pulled the door outward. “He’ll catch up in a while. We keep the vehicles hidden some distance away from this entrance.” He saw the worry on Ariel’s face as she glanced back at the stairs.

It was clear she’d taken an interest in Stuart. It was also clear that Stuart wasn’t too pleased to hear she was so young. It wasn’t as if Ariel were underage, but Gatlin would agree, she was young. Hell, Layla was only two years older. He needed to keep that in mind every step of the way. And neither woman had any real experience with the outside world, let alone knew how to navigate a relationship with a man.

“Ready?” he asked as he took Layla’s hand in his again.

She nodded, but her lips were pursed. She was nervous. Understandable. “What’s going to happen?”

“First we’ll meet with the council. My father is a member. It’s just a formality. We’ll get you checked in. We keep a record of everyone living in each compound. If we didn’t intend to sponsor you ourselves, we would find someone to take you in and help you get settled.”

Ledger led them down the sterile gray hallway that would bring them to their first stop. He turned around when they reached the office, hand on the door. He met Gatlin’s gaze. “Perhaps Layla would rather my parents or yours sponsor her at first. Ariel too.”

Gatlin pulled in a breath. Ledger was right. As much as he hated the idea of letting her out of his sight, he needed to slow the fuck down and give her space and time.

“No,” Layla stated, shaking her head. “I mean, if it’s okay with you, I’d rather not stay with strangers.” She glanced at Ariel. “What about Ariel? Can you sponsor her too? I don’t think either of us is inclined to be separated right now.”

Gatlin glanced at Nile and then Ledger. “In theory.”

Ariel wrung her hands in front of her, her gaze going to the floor.

Gatlin nodded toward the other two men and squeezed Layla’s hand. “We’ll make it work.”

Ledger opened the door.

A woman sat at a desk in the outer room. She was relatively new at this job, but Gatlin thought her name was Lowri. She stood and smiled. “Welcome to the compound,” she said to Layla and Ariel. She turned toward Gatlin next. “They’re ready for you.” She rushed to open the door behind her, and Gatlin led the way into the conference room where his father, Gray Tilson, and two other council members would greet them: Willa Schama, Ledger’s mother, and Barak Winther.

The three of them were seated along one side of a long table, but they rose as the new arrivals entered. Gatlin noticed his father’s brow lift ever so slightly when he spotted his son holding hands with Layla. He was the first to lean over the table with an outstretched hand. “Welcome to the compound. I’m Gray Tilson, Gatlin’s father.”

Layla squeezed the hell out of Gatlin’s hand while she shook his father’s. He assumed she was nervous.

Gatlin cleared his throat. “This is Layla Vail and her sister Ariel. Maya found them a few nights ago on the outskirts of the city.”

Willa and Barak also introduced themselves and shook the women’s hands.

Gray smiled warmly and pointed at the chairs across from him. “Please, have a seat.” He glanced up at Gatlin as he sat before letting his gaze wander toward Nile and Ledger. “I guess you three intend to stay.”

“Yes.” It wasn’t customary. Ordinarily, they would drop off newcomers and wash their hands of them, returning to their living quarters to rest and regroup. But not today. Gatlin had no intention of leaving Layla’s side. He knew Nile and Ledger agreed.

He did at least release her and pull out her chair, but he set his hand on her shoulder as soon as she was seated.

His father hesitated, which was unusual for him, but he looked pleased. After a moment, he lifted his gaze to Gatlin again. “And Jay?”

“He stayed behind at his post, but we’d like to send someone to relieve him if that’s possible.”

Gray gave a quick nod. “I’m sure that can be arranged.” He was astute. He understood the gravity of what had happened during this trip. Before addressing the women further, he grabbed his walkie-talkie from the table. “Hey. Gray here. Can you spare anyone to go relieve Jay Douglass from the eastern outpost?”

A voice answered, “Yes, I’ll find someone.”

“Urgently would be appreciated. Thank you.”

When he ended the call, Gatlin heard the audible sigh of relief coming from Nile and Ledger. At least they weren’t going to have to argue their case. They were, after all, grown-ass men, a family unit. Committed. Their parents wouldn’t dare question their intentions.

Tags: Becca Jameson The Wanderers Thriller