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Chapter 3

Present day…


The soft feminine voice made Layla jerk out of a deep sleep. She gasped as she met the gaze of a woman squatting so close to her that she could reach out and touch her.

Ariel awoke seconds later, her arms wrapping around Layla’s body, holding her tight.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you,” the woman said. She glanced over her shoulder. “I’m not sure how long you’ve been huddled there, but the sun’s about to come up. Do you have someplace you can go? Are you headed somewhere?”

Layla stared at the woman for a moment. She was only a few years older than Layla, but looked far more equipped for living on the run. She had long blond hair like Ariel pulled back in a French braid, and she was wearing a leather vest, jeans, and sturdy boots. “We’re fine, but thanks,” Layla told her. She needed to be careful. It was dangerous to trust anyone.

Ariel gasped and turned her head to stare at Layla. “Who’s fine?” she asked sarcastically.

“Shh,” Layla admonished, giving her sister a squeeze.

The woman smiled. “I’m Maya. I can’t blame you for being skeptical. Hell, everyone is nervous these days. How could we not be?” Maya glanced around and then back at Layla and Ariel. “Listen, I’ve been following you for a few days. I know you’re on the run. I bet you’re running out of supplies and have no place to go. I can take you somewhere safe. I promise. I belong to a group. We live off the grid. We protect each other.”

Layla licked her lips. She was unnerved by the thought that Maya had tracked them without her knowledge. She and Ariel had been on the move for two weeks. They hadn’t spoken to a soul in that time. They’d mostly moved in the night, dodging the search lights as they made their way West. She swallowed. “Why were you following us?”

“Always have to be careful. I don’t trust anyone until I vet them. You could have been placed as bait to lure people in.”

“Lure us in to what?” Ariel asked, her voice rising.

“The list is long.” Maya glanced back and forth between them.

Layla had no doubt they both had wide eyes. She hated feeling weak because in many ways she was not. But she and Ariel had very little useful street knowledge. “We’re looking for some people,” she told Maya, keeping it vague.

Maya continued to smile warmly. “Maybe you’ve been looking for my people.” She lifted a brow, though it was hard to tell. Her eyebrows were as blond as her hair. With her brown leather and several weapons, she looked like a warrior, and Layla had no doubt she was. Can she be trusted though?

Layla glanced at Ariel, wondering if she should take a risk here. The truth was, the two of them were running out of resources and time. They wouldn’t survive much longer on their own without help. She drew in a slow breath and glanced back at Maya. “Do you know a woman named Julie?”

Maya’s smile grew. “I do. She’s a member of my group.”

Layla narrowed her eyes. “You could just be saying that, of course. Besides, there are thousands of people named Julie.”

Maya nodded. “This is true. Tell me something about Julie.”

Layla shook her head. “You tell me something about her.” She was shaking with nerves, praying Maya could be their salvation.

Maya cocked her head to one side, thinking. “She likes babies.”

Ariel gasped and jerked in Layla’s arms. “It’s her,” she whispered.

Layla stared at Maya, hardly willing to let herself believe this woman might be the answer to their prayers.

“Your turn,” Maya said. “What do you know about Julie?”

“She’s about fifty.”

Maya nodded. “That’s her.” She sighed. “She’s our midwife. Julie Imes.”

Layla blew out a long breath and nodded in agreement. “Can you take us to her?”

“Of course.” She lifted a hand and reached out to grip Layla’s shoulder. “How long have you been traveling?”

“Two weeks.”

Tags: Becca Jameson The Wanderers Thriller