“Everything went great. How about you boys? Are you done with your business?” Amelia asks them.

“It’s always a pleasure doing business with you, Griffin. Keep giving me great investment returns like always,” the one who holds Amelia close says. I’m guessing he’s her husband. Both women have giant wedding rings on their fingers, and I’m pretty sure Mariana is pregnant, but it’s hard to tell with the dress she has on.

“You should come over soon for dinner,” Mariana suggests.

“My Sol loves to host dinners,” Mariana’s husband says proudly.

“My Vivian can make a dessert. She loves to cook,” Griffin says with ease.

My eyes widen.

I’m still terrible at cooking, and did he call me his? I’m not sure which one surprises me more. I mean, I know he’s always marking me, but that’s bedroom dirty stuff like I read in the books my best friend Anna would share with me back at boarding school.

“I’ll reach out to settle on a date. I should get your number.” Amelia pulls her cell phone out.

“I don’t have a phone,” I admit, feeling a bit silly. I’m a girl in a grown-up world. I shouldn’t even be in this office.

“I’m in the process of getting one for her. A lot of things have changed for my Vivian lately. We’re still settling in here. I’ll send it over to Grant when I get it.”

“All right. Sounds good.” They all say their goodbyes, and we lead them out the front door. When it closes, I feel awkward again.

“Honey, the bread is ready.” Thankfully, Mrs. Putman saves me.

I dart out from under Griff’s arms. He grumbles something from behind me. I peek over my shoulder to see him watch me as he walks toward his office. I try to shake off the feelings as I pull my bread out of the oven.

“I think I did it!” I squeal when I see it. It’s perfectly cooked, the top looking crispy and golden.

“See? You’re already getting better.” Mrs. Putman gives me a giant reassuring smile. Maybe I should try to get better at other things.

Seduction is the first thing that comes to mind. Practice makes perfect.



“Are you ever coming back to the office? This place is shell shocked. Everyone’s on edge, wondering if you’re going to shut the whole thing down.”

“People exaggerate, Linn.” I expected the office to talk about my absence, but it seems they’re going a little further than I thought.

“They just keep wondering if it’s Armageddon. I mean, you never miss work. Ever. And now you’ve missed a whole week.”

“I’m just trying to get all the affairs here settled. Being a guardian isn’t exactly in my wheelhouse, so I’m learning as I go.”

She snorts on her end of the line. “What exactly are you learning, Mr. Friarlane?”

Linn is like a smaller, friendlier version of Mrs. Putnam. Whereas Mrs. Putnam rules my home with an iron fist, Linn controls my office like a prison warden–one who sips tea and likes to do the crossword.

“Do you have any information for me on Charles?” I change the subject.

“Just some rumors so far, none of them good. I’m waiting on verification, but it seems that he’s gotten himself involved with the Santivascis.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am. He’s had meetings with them and a few other players, but they’re the only ones still in contact with him.”

“They’ve been gunning for me for years.” I don’t need this right now.

“Well, they seem to have found an easy mark, because Charles is in bed with them. But like I said, I’m waiting on confirmation. Our guy is hacking Charles’s phone this weekend, as long as he can get his hands on it.”

Tags: Mink Romance