Page 8 of Crashing Into You

“Yup.” I pop the p. “Well, gotta get back to work.”

“Listen, Calder. I meant what I said when I called you. It’s just...” she rubs her growing belly.

“I get it. No need to explain. I’m happy for you both and wish you everything you deserve.”


“I gotta go, Carly. Give Roger my best.” I open my door and climb in but when I go to shut the door she’s standing in my way.

“He misses you too you know. You guys were so close.”

“And now we’re not. Now if you could move.”

“Fine. You know what I’m done trying to mend our friendship. If you want to be bitter and resentful that’s on you.”

I roll my eyes. “We were supposed to get married. I never wanted to be your friend. I was in love with you.”

“And now?” She asks.

“Now I feel like I never even really knew you.”

“Wow. Okay. You know what, Calder. I was there for you when you lost your sister. I tried to give you space, but I was tired of being second place to her ghost. I was lonely, and Rog was there for me in ways you couldn’t be. I’m not going to be sorry for that.”

“You shouldn’t be because I finally have realized you did me a favor. What we had wasn’t love, Carly. It was familiar and comfortable and marrying you felt like the right thing to do.”

She steps out of the way and I slam my car door shut and back out of the parking lot feeling refreshed. Unburdened. I’ve needed to have that conversation with Carly for some time. I just never realized it until now. She’s put everything into perspective for me.

Tags: Allie Faye, Glenna Maynard Erotic