“Yeah, I know you got a lot of heavy shit running through your mind right now. Hell, I got it running through my own, but I need to check in and I need you safe. Two birds one stone, yeah?”

“I told you I don’t need a babysitter.”

“No choice, kitten. This is club business and you’re in the thick of it.”

“I don’t want to be in the middle of anything.”

“Too late now. C’mon. I’ll get you some dry clothes.”

“Okay.” For once she gives in easy.

We get inside and find the clubhouse mostly quiet.

Crawl is at the bar drowning his troubles. Shiloh is shooting pool with Banks. I give my brothers a chin lift and hurry Bianca upstairs without making introductions. Last thing I need is for Shiloh to be a bitch and tell Bianca I have a lumpy dick or some shit. I shuffle her into a room that serves as a guest room.

“I gotta check in with the club. Help yourself to whatever you need. There should be towels in the bathroom. Clean clothes in one of the dressers. Shit the Ol’ Ladies leave here for a quick change or whatever. They won’t mind.”

“Did you say Old Ladies? Like my grandma?”

I bust out laughing at the cute way her nose is turned up and scrunched as her eyes grow wider. “No. You nut cake. As in the wives of the brothers of the club. It’s their title.”

“There is nothing appealing about that.”

“Lots of women would love to have that title, babe.”

“I think we’ve established I’m not like other women.”

“That we can agree on. I’ll be back. Can I get you anything? Like a shot of liquor? A joint?”

“I could go for a drink.”

“What’s your poison?”

“Surprise me.”

“You got it.” I leave Bianca to get cleaned up. What I want is a good stiff drink and to get laid. I knock on Prez’s office door but he’s not in. Not that I figured he would be. I should swing by his place, but I’m letting my dick do the thinking for me. I’ll suffer Prez’s wrath later. Besides I doubt he’d be happy if I woke up his woman and the twins right now.

My duty to my club and my attraction to Bianca are in a tug of war and for tonight pussy wins. I hit the bar to help myself to some good ol’ Jack Daniels and a couple cans of Coke for Bianca and me.

“Who’s the chick you brought in?” Shiloh tosses some empties into a bin, getting shit ready to shut down for the night.

“None of your business.”

“Touchy. Touchy.”

“Just keep out of my shit.”

“Are you mad at me because I said your dick is all weird?”

“Ain’t shit wrong with my dick. Ever think I couldn’t get it up for you?” I wince as I say the words, but I don’t apologize. Shiloh isn’t shit to me.

“Got it. Far be it for me to try and have a real conversation with one of you assholes.”

“You volunteered to be a fuckhole. You’re a hangaround. A dime a fuckin’ dozen. Think anyone will give a shit if you walk out that door and don’t come back? Fuck no. Because no man in this club will ever think of you as more than somewhere to get his dick sucked. A warm hole. That girl upstairs...is Ol’ Lady material. You know the difference between you and her? Anyone can get in your pants, but Bianca has respect for herself.”

“You’re right, Sandman. I do have respect for myself.” Bianca struts toward me. “That’s why I’m leaving. I don’t think I like you very much right now. If this is how you treat women. A woman who it sounds like you think is good enough for your precious dick you’re so obsessed with. Then yeah. I’m gonna do myself a favor and see myself out. And don’t worry I’ll keep my mouth shut about what we saw. I’m not an idiot.”

I go to grab her arm and she gives me a look so damn cold it freezes me in place.

“I curse you with the knowledge that I did it. I hexed you. Good luck with your hairy palms, because that’s the only action you’ll get. I hope your dick rots off.”

“Holy shit,” Shiloh mutters. “I have a new hero.”

“Bianca. Shit. Listen.”

“No. I’m done. I’ve had more than my fill of you. My first impression was right. You’re an asshole. She might be a whore who fucks around but at least she’s honest about who she is. That’s more than I can say for you.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance