Page 61 of More Than a Story

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He laughed but lifted her into his arms, backing her against the wall. He hooked his hands under her legs, guiding her to wrap them around his waist. “You know you want this. Why do you always have to be so difficult?”

“You like it,” she reminded him.

“I like you,” he replied.

And her heart stuttered. Even though his body had her pinned against the wall with her legs around his waist—his cock teasing her entrance—it was his eyes that pinned her in place. This was a silent demand for words.

“I like you too, Corey,” she answered.

A smile broke across his face before he dropped his mouth to hers and slammed into her. The stretch was everything she needed—everything she’d missed for the last two years. It was pain and pleasure. It was a gift and a demand for more. But instead of moving, Corey froze.

“Damn it, Taran. I’m good with rough, but I don’t want to hurt you. And you’re like a vise gripping my dick.” Corey sounded tortured.

“You’re not hurting me,” she assured. “I want you to move. I need you to move.”

He met her eyes, checking before he pulled out and thrust again. Her back slammed into the wall with every drive. He was rough, hard. And it was making her crazy. Her breath came faster as he drove her higher, making her world focus on the pounding pleasure.

His teeth sank into the soft flesh of her shoulder. The pain meshed with the ache of need pounding her system, and she cried out. She thrust against him, changing the angle as he pounded the exact spot.

“Oh, don’t stop,” she said. “Harder, Corey, please.”

He thrust again and again until finally, she shattered into pieces as euphoria swamped her.

“Taran.” Her name left his lips like a prayer as his body tensed in its own release.

He pressed her harder into the wall, as if he needed the extra support. She felt his arms around her tremble as he buried his face in her neck. Neither moved, just stayed wrapped together, breathing hard. Something she hadn’t felt in a long time fluttered in her chest, and she relished the unnamed emotion. She wanted to stay like this forever. But he finally pulled back.

“Are you okay if I set you down?” he asked.

Her legs were quivering—they both knew it. But she wouldn’t admit it, so she just nodded into his shoulder. Although he let her down, he ensured she was balanced against the wall. His hand rested beside her head.

“I’ll let you keep your pride. I’ll admit that was amazing, and my legs are shaking. But I gotta get rid of the condom. Bathroom?”

“Just off the kitchen,” she answered, and he dropped a kiss on her lips before leaving her.

As soon as he left the room, she slumped into the wall behind her, sliding slowly against the smooth surface to the ground. Corey Matthews knew precisely how to make a woman’s body sing. And as much as she didn’t want to admit it, she struggled to pull herself up and grab her shorts to head to her bedroom.

Five minutes later, he was fully dressed in her family room when she came down the stairs. The cocky assurance she’d come to expect from him was back in full force.

“I actually came to ask a question,” he said, the ghost of a smile appearing again. “Want to come to beer night?”

Tags: Jenni Bara Romance