Page 47 of More Than a Story

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“How do you know I said something?” Corey demanded.

“She ran out of here like her hair was on fire, but she had that look Beth gets,” Will explained.

Corey knew exactly what he meant; the look right before shit hit the fan.

“Apparently the thought of sex with me makes her lose it.” Corey sighed. That was a clear message if he’d ever received one.

“What do you mean?” Will asked, and Corey explained what happened. “Do you think maybe you made her feel like one of the baseball bunnies since you called her one when we got here and then offered her a one-night stand?”

Well, shit. That hadn’t been what he said at all. “I’ve never in my life so much as looked twice at any one of those trashy women. And I don’t do one-night stands.”

“I know that, and you know that. But Cor—she doesn’t really know you,” Will explained.

Corey rubbed his face. “Okay, I’ll apologize. Any of those many hours you spent with her while she did Clayton’s thing over breakfast?”

Will’s eyebrows shot up as his mouth dropped open.

“I got her message loud and clear; she isn’t interested. I’m not going to show up at her house again. But we have a six-a.m. flight, and I figured breakfast would be as good an apology as any.”

“She stole the last butter rum muffin from me,” Will complained. “And she takes her coffee black.”

“I’ll bring her coffee and a muffin and then I’ll leave her alone.” Corey sighed. That sucked, but he’d get over it. She was a hard-to-peg reporter with eyes that caused his gut to clench, but she wasn’t the only woman in the world.

“Yeah right.” Will scoffed. “Can we go?”

“Yeah, and I’ll get you and Genni owner’s box tickets to the Nationals game in DC as a thank you,” Corey said, knowing he’d dragged his friend here against his will and then left him for most of the time.

“Genni and I aren’t together,” Will said. “I told you this.”

“The game’s at the end of our road trip, in almost two weeks. You will be by then,” Corey assured him.

Will laughed. “You are the only one who never says good riddance when we take a break.”

Will should know better than that.

“Bro, I would never say that. She’s your girl until the day you tell me she’s not. And I don’t mean the she’s being difficult so were taking a break thing you two do monthly, I mean until the day you tell me you’re officially done. So, I got your back. And you know she won’t say no to the owner’s box.”

“Every time I really want to be done with your ass, you remind me exactly why you’re my boy.” Will smiled.

Tags: Jenni Bara Romance