Page 106 of More Than a Story

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Bright light pointed in his direction as multiple voices gave last-minute instructions, but Corey searched for one face. It didn’t take him long to find Taran standing off to the side, out of the chaos. He had wanted her sitting next to him—after all, this was a joint project—but it wasn’t about just him anymore.

She gave him a soft, encouraging smile and a firm you got this head nod, and he turned his attention to the camera as the morning show host, Andrea, introduced him.

“So much has happened in your life lately I’m not sure where we should start.” Andrea shifted on her stool to address Corey.

“Since I’m here for a specific reason”—Corey flashed his token smile and gestured to the table between them—“how about we start with The Hard Way?”

Andrea nodded. “I feel like I’ve been hearing about this book forever and yet I was shocked when it released in two formats.”

His publisher had been gung ho about promoting his book before Taran had even written the first draft. And at first, the company wasn’t thrilled with the idea of writing one version for middle grades and one for new adults, but once Sean and Taran tag teamed them, the publisher got on board.

He spun the titanium band on his ring finger and spoke the words Taran had helped him put together.

“As soon as my wife and I started the actual writing process, I realized that although adults would be curious about my story, having watched me since I was born, it was the strugglingly twelve-year-olds I wanted to hear my story the most. The kids out there having a hard time, whether they’re like me with dyslexia, or maybe ADHD or ADD, depression, or getting over trauma or any number of struggles; I wanted them to know that someone else had been through it. It’s a million times easier not to do it alone.”

“You shocked the world two years ago when you started talking about your dyslexia.”

Although he’d been doing this for a while now, it was still odd to him to talk about his struggles with reading. But he was no longer afraid to do it.

“My nephew, Noah, was the catalyst for that. He and I bonded over our shared struggle, and he admitted knowing someone else had been through it and turned out successful gave him a lot of confidence.”

“And now you’ve done almost two hundred assemblies in schools all over.”

Corey nodded. “With an organization called Schools First, and they do a fabulous job helping me talk to kids all over. Between that and the book, I hope that no child who is struggling ever feels as alone as I did.”

“Yes, The Hard Way. I read the middle grade version, and I have to say you did an amazing job.”

“That’s all my incredible wife, Taran.”

Corey’s gaze automatically moved from the camera to the beautiful woman in question.

“She has been an endless support for me, through the book and my retirement from baseball after this last season.” He chuckled as Taran’s eyebrow cocked. “She’s even getting used to me being home way too much.”

Andrea laughed. “I’m sure she’s loving the extra set of hands this last month. Do we want to talk about the other big thing that happened?”

Taran gave him another nod.

“I’d love to talk about my son.”

“I’m going to start by saying that I was lucky enough to get to hold the little man before we came out here and he’s adorable.”

“He is, if I do say so myself. And I know everyone has been somewhat patiently waiting for us to introduce him. Taran and I really appreciate the time we’ve had to just be a family of three this past month.”

“Can we bring him out?” Andrea asked.

Corey nodded to Taran as he stood off the stool making room for her to sit. He took his son out of her arms and settled him into the crook of his elbow. His heart still exploded every time this little boy blinked at him. Corey carefully tilted him for the camera to zoom in.

“Isn’t this little man the cutest thing ever?” Andrea gushed like the overly-caffeinated morning show host she was. “So let’s talk about his name because as soon as I heard it, I knew it meant something.”

Taran shifted on the stool next to him. “It was actually Corey who suggested it, but as soon as he said it, I knew that was our son’s name. We had some important people we wanted to honor, ones who took care of both Corey and me.”

Corey turned to the camera. “So, everyone, I’d like you to meet our son, Evan Jeremy Matthews.”

Tags: Jenni Bara Romance