Page 49 of Exiled

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One YearLater

“Get a room, you two,”Andrea said, grinning as she approached the table where we were eating breakfast, rolling her carry-on bag behind her.

“No, you’re leaving already?” I gave her a mournful look.

“Unfortunately, I have to. And three’s a crowd on a honeymoon anyway, girl.”

Since winning Exiled with Rod, Andrea had been doing lots of publicity. The show had aired around six months ago, and they’d been in high demand since. She’d taken a break from her travels to be a bridesmaid in our wedding, though, and Rod had been a groomsman.

“This place brings back memories,” she said, looking around the outdoor seating area of the resort we’d returned to for our wedding.

It was fitting that Archer and I got married in Fiji, where we found each other again. I’d planned our wedding at the resort, not knowing that in the background, he was working on an elaborate alternate plan. Yesterday we’d exchanged vows on the same beach our camp had been on. Boats had transported us and thirty-eight guests to the beach, which was decorated with an archway adorned with tropical flowers and an aisle bedecked in flower petals.

The best surprise of all, though, was when I saw the people gathered on the island waiting for us. Linda, who was walking again, was standing with Nutter, Josh, Sal, and several of the other couples who had been on the show with us. We’d kept our guest list small, but I hadn’t realized how incomplete our wedding would have been without them until I saw them all waving at us as the boat neared the shore. Archer had wisely not invited Neil, Shayla, Maksim, and Irina.

Walking toward him on my father’s arm on the same beach we’d made so many memories on had been a dream come true. We planned to spend the next week here, and then we were spending two weeks in Europe.

“Good memories,” I said in response to Andrea, squeezing Archer’s hand.

Andrea hugged us both and we said our goodbyes. Our family and friends had told us we wouldn’t be seeing much of them today, because they wanted to give us privacy. My family was on a sailboat tour of the islands Archer had set up for them.

“What should we do today, Mrs. Holt?” Archer asked me, giving me the sexy, lazy smile he reserved just for me.

“Maybe some pool time? And massages if you want?”

“I want anything you want.”

We were prioritizing relaxation on our honeymoon, because our first year back together had been a whirlwind. I’d found a new teaching job in Minneapolis, but between our work schedules, we didn’t see as much of each other as we would have liked. The suburban Minneapolis home we’d bought two months ago was closer to my job, though, and things were starting to settle.

“Massages and pool time it is,” I said. “And definitely an afternoon nap.”

Our first night as husband and wife had been passionate. It had been a long time coming, and after the elaborate surprise ceremony Archer had planned, I was more in love with him than ever. At the wedding, I’d told him that, but last night, I’d shown him.

“How about a walk on the beach before we schedule massages?” I asked.

“Sure, a walk sounds good.”

We finished our breakfast and walked to the sandy beach, where we both took off our shoes and carried them as we walked.

“You want to go in the water?” Archer asked. “I know how you like to squish your toes in the sand.”

“Yes, let’s do it.”

We stood in the shallow turquoise water together, looking out at the horizon. I was filled with excitement about what was to come. Not just today, but every day.

Archer was part of me. He had been since we fell in love as teenagers. And while most young love isn’t forever, ours was. Without Exiled, we never would have gotten back together, though, so I’d always have a special place in my heart for reality TV.

“You know how much I loved the surprise yesterday, right?” I asked Archer, even though I’d told him many times.

“Which one?” He grinned.

“All of them. Sometimes you know me better than I know myself, and even though I say I don’t like surprises, I’ve never disliked one of yours.”

“You weren’t thrilled when I crashed your bachelorette party.”

I laughed, remembering when my husband-to-be had walked into the party my sister had painstakingly planned just as the male strippers she’d hired were getting started. A young blond buck was just starting to gyrate in front of my face when Archer walked up and told him to fuck off. He then proceeded to perform the dancing and stripping routine he’d learned just for the occasion.

And damn, was he good. My female friends and family hooted and hollered as Archer gave me a sexy lap dance that ended with a sweet kiss.

“Are you kidding?” I said. “You were hotter than any of those strippers Layla hired.”


He winked at me, and I momentarily forgot where I was even going with this conversation.

“What about you. Do you like surprises?” I asked.

“Depends. Sometimes I do.”

I gathered my courage. There was no time like the present.

“Remember when I threw up the day before the wedding and told you it was nerves?” I said.

He lowered his brows, looking concerned. “Yeah? Are you sick again?”

“It wasn’t nerves. I’m pregnant.”

Archer’s jaw dropped and his eyes lit up. “Are you serious, Lo?”

I nodded, grinning with the joy I could finally share. “I found out three weeks ago, and I wanted to tell you as a wedding gift.”

“Three weeks ago?” He looked up at the sky, laughing. “Damn, baby, I had no idea. And you’re feeling okay? Everything’s okay?”

I’d known Archer would become ultra-protective as soon as I told him I was carrying our child. He’d try to feed me, tell me to rest up, and take care of my every need.

“I’m great,” I assured him. “It’s still early, but the doctor said everything looked as good as it possibly can. I can fly and snorkel and everything else we planned for this trip.”

He put a palm on my stomach, his expression tender. “Our baby is in there.”

“Do you hope it’s a boy or a girl?”

He kissed me softly. “I don’t care. Healthy is all that matters.” His expression clouded. “Shit, I should have been more careful in bed last night.”

“No, it’s fine,” I assured him. “The doctor said sex is perfectly fine. Don’t treat me like I’m breakable now. I still want great sex.”

“And you’ll get it, Mrs. Holt. Scout’s honor.” He took me in his arms and kissed me. “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world. You know that?”

I gazed up at him, feeling pretty giddy myself.

“Are you ready for the greatest adventure of all?” I asked. “Parenthood?”

His eyes sparkled as he answered, waves lapping at our feet.

“I’ve got the greatest partner there is, so yeah. Bring it on.”

Tags: Brenda Rothert Romance