Page 46 of Exiled

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Several hours later,we were finishing the second bottle of wine we’d shared with Rod and Andrea, all of us laughing over a story Rod had just told us.

“I do not recommend getting poison ivy on your bunghole,” he said, shaking his head. “That’s all I’m saying.”

Andrea gave me a pointed look. “He kept me up all night long scratching it.”

“Is it gone now?” Archer asked.

“I think so.” Rod shrugged. “Can’t see it, but it doesn’t itch anymore.”

After finishing the last of her wine, Andrea yawned and said, “I need to get to bed, guys. This was a great way to spend the last night here.”

We all said our goodbyes, hugged, and exchanged numbers. Then Archer and I headed up to the second floor.

This was it. Tomorrow we’d say goodbye and it would most likely be a long time until we saw each other again. As hard as it was to be this close to him and remain just friends, I was going to miss him.

We reached the door to my room and I got my key card out.

“Last night here,” I said softly, looking down at my handbag.

He cupped my face in his palm, tipping it up until our eyes met. We’d spent the entire evening exchanging longing, heated looks. I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Lo.”

I swallowed hard. “I know we shouldn’t, but it’s our last night here, and if”

His mouth was on mine before I could finish the sentence. I dropped my bag and wrapped my arms around his neck, returning his kiss and gasping into his mouth as my back pressed against the door and he ran his hand under the hem of my dress and up my thigh.

“Where’s that key?” he asked, breathless.

“I don’t know.”

He looked at the ground, where I’d dropped my bag, finding the key. He handed me my bag and used the key to open the door. The moment we stepped into the room, he descended on me, kissing my neck and cupping my ass.

“This fucking dress,” he said gruffly. “I’ve been hard all night looking at you in this fucking dress.”

The red dress had an open back and a halter neckline that tied at my neck, and he quickly untied it, giving the adhesive breast cups I was wearing a puzzled look.

“Just peel them off,” I said, not wanting to explain I was wearing them instead of a bra because of the cut of the dress.

He removed the cups and pushed the dress the rest of the way off. His dress shirt had a maddening number of buttons, and after I’d unfastened just a couple of them, he pulled the shirt off over his head.

We were both on a mission, removing each other’s clothes as quickly as possible. Tonight was it for us, and I didn’t want to waste time on tentative foreplay.

I put my hands on the bed, turning around to give him a look he’d understand.

He did. Archer brought my dream to life, filling me with his length. He moved all my hair over one shoulder and kissed the bare one as he fucked me, and I greedily took every thrust and begged for more.

I moaned when he stopped, pulling out of me and turning me around.

“Lie down,” he said, his gaze dark and hungry on my body.

I did, and he followed, kissing his way up my thighs. He licked me gently at first, making me whimper for more. When he pushed his tongue inside me, I cried out and tugged on a handful of his hair.

I was so close to finishing when he stopped, pushing up on his arms and looking down at me.

“Did you mean it?” he asked me.


“After I found you in the ravine, you said you still love me. Did you mean it?”

Of course I meant it, but was this really the time to talk about it? I opened my mouth, trying to come up with an answer.

“It’s okay,” he said, kissing me.

He buried himself in me again, and our conversation was forgotten as he rocked his hips into mine, his mouth on my lips, my neck, and my chest.

“Oh, god,” I cried. “Don’t stop, Archer. Don’t stop this time.”

He didn’t, and I came long and hard, his gaze never leaving mine as he came, too.

I wanted to tell him that I’d meant what I said. But that would add a bittersweet note to our final night together. All I wanted was for us to revel in each other with every minute we had left together.

So instead, I kissed him, already thinking about what I wanted him to do to me next.

Tags: Brenda Rothert Romance